Uncle Aaroh Testing
5 min readOct 25, 2023


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In the realm of technology where innovation is constantly soaring new heights, the year 2020 marked an exceptional milestone. We witnessed the release of the third consecutive folding phone, introducing a different dimension to smartphone technology. The king of this new generation is none other than the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 5G, a magnificently upgraded version of its predecessors.

The Fold 2, a product birthed from the innovative strategies of Samsung, has been amped up drastically in terms of design, utility and hardware. It’s a wonderful illusion of carrying a tablet in your pocket that folds out into a full-fledged smartphone.

Undoubtedly, it comes with a hefty price tag of 2,000 bucks but it offers an array of facets that justify the amount. There might still exist certain elements that call for improvement, after all, any technological development is a journey rather than a destination. Keeping that in mind, let’s delve deeper into the highlights and intricacies of the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2.

As we unwrap the phone, the first thing that catches our eye is an enhanced build quality. Squarer, boxier yet tighter, the Fold 2 reflects a sturdy finish. A testimony of Samsung’s evolution over the years, it makes the previous Galaxy folds appear somewhat sloppy. The hinge of the phone feels firmer while the satin finish and the brushed metal look add strokes of elegance to its overall design.

However, it’s essential to mention that the form factor of this smartphone is still a bit awkward. When closed, there is still a visible gap between the screens and the phone’s thickness leaves one recalling the days of chunky candy bars. Nevertheless, these are simply pointers that serve as opportunities for betterment in future iterations.

The most commendable upgrade, though, goes to the screens — both inside and outside. The cover display steals the show with a whopping 6.2 inches, facilitating a full screen view. Shelling out features such as a modern look and the placement of a hole-punch selfie camera at the top, it takes a massive stride towards improvement. Although the aspect ratio and the keyboard design could use some tweaks, the convenience of the larger external screen makes the phone more user-friendly.

As we traverse inside, the brilliance of the main display unfolds. Large, vibrant with smaller bezels and no notches, the galaxy fold’s interior screen is a delight for those who enjoy high-quality visuals. With a boosted refresh rate of 120 Hz, the Fold 2 ensures smoother transitions and navigation.

While the Galaxy Z Fold 2 is a significant step up from preceding models, it’s crucial to note that folding phone technology is still at its fledgeling stage. As we watch its journey, innovations, and improvements with wide eyes, Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 5G holds the throne for now, marking a promising way ahead for folding phones.

The Journey with the Galaxy Z Fold 2 as a Daily Driver

When you start using the Galaxy Z Fold 2, it’s hard to put it down. The device, with its unique and innovative design, feels like a full-blown mini-tablet making it incredibly engaging. However, sadly, the software experience often doesn’t match up, as most apps haven’t yet caught up with the Fold 2’s distinctive aspect ratio.

Fortunately, there is now a feature in the Fold 2 that allows you to utilise some apps in a tablet mode instead of just blowing up the phone mode. This function introduces an entirely different aspect to the device with columns and all, but a considerable number of apps still struggle to scale nicely on this square-like display.

Challenges with Major Apps

From viewing videos to navigating Instagram, these popular apps aren’t optimised for such a novel screen format. Often, the videos do not entirely fill the display, and Instagram, along with many other apps, appear like blown up phone versions. Even the camera viewfinder does not occupy the entire display. Despite this, the device’s potential shines through in some well-optimised applications.

Discovering Productivity Assets

Turn it 90 degrees and the device suddenly appears more ‘productive’ in tablet mode when running apps like Spotify or Gmail. Imagine a tech universe where all your favourite apps have a bespoke version that appropriately harnesses the full capacity of this unique display, wouldn’t that be a delight?

Battery Life with the Fold 2

With a larger inner display and a boosted 120Hz refresh rate, the Fold 2 could potentially drain battery life, right? Surprisingly, it was found that, by preference, the smaller external 60Hz display was used more often. The result of this habit led to better battery life, with around 35%-45% still remaining at the end of the day.

The Folding Phone King

The Galaxy Z Fold 2, as of now, seem to be ruling the roost among folding phones. It hosts superior specifications like snapdragon 865 plus, 12GB RAM and exclusive features such as wireless charging. The camera suite is commendable with a range of great options and the battery life is noticeably good. Moreover, the screens are a pleasure to behold with startling brightness, colours, and resolution. This device truly exemplifies how to transform a pocket-sized gadget into a productivity powerhouse.

The Evolution of Foldable Phones: Where We are in 2020

With steady advancements and multiple iterations, Samsung has risen as the king in the realm of foldable phones. Confidence oozes from the device’s firmer hinge that can stay in place at multiple angles, along with software tricks integrated within special modes on YouTube and Camera apps. Yet, the question remains — What does it mean to be the best in a category that many are still skeptical about?

The devices possess a superb screen, although there’s a clear crease, the eye can’t help but pay attention. Even with the ultra-thin glass, a factory installed screen protector is still a necessity which unfortunately retains dust around the camera cut-outs. A slight drawback, revealing potential shortcuts taken in the design process. Nevertheless, the phone’s confidence remains, thanks to the well-engineered hinge that appears to have no immediate durability issues.

Despite having the most control over the phone, courtesy of the software layer on top of Android, 75% of apps tend to look like a stretched awkward version on the larger inside screen. Therefore, although the device is top in its league, it’s evident that there is a long way to go before foldable phones reach maturity.

Compromises still exist. For instance, the outside screen is slightly worse than a normal smartphone due to its tall and narrow structure, making it chunky to hold. Even the inside screen appears inferior to a standard tablet due to its smaller size, square shape and of course, the noticeable crease.

Moreover, the price is a factor with a hefty tag in the realm of 2,000 bucks. With that amount, one could potentially purchase an iPad Pro, a Pixel 4a, Sony noise canceling headphones and still have some change left. However, with the Galaxy Fold 2, you get something unmatched — the most evolved foldable phone hitherto. The ability to carry all of this in your pocket is a brilliant start to the foldable phone era.

So, will you be joining the foldable phone community anytime soon? Let us know your thoughts. Until next time, peace.

