Undeads Dev Report — Week 4, 2024

Undeads Games
2 min readFeb 8, 2024


Undeads Development Report

Undeads Dev Diary Update #4

Greetings, valiant undead & hunters!

Join us as we embark on another thrilling update in the development saga of Undeads. From the 15th to the 19th of January, 2024, our dedicated team has been hard at work.

Let’s dive in:

Completed Work:

  • Description of the Shooting/Strike Mechanic: Crafting the foundation for intense combat encounters.
  • Weapon Animation Update: Bringing your arsenal to life with fluid and dynamic animations.
  • Battle VFX: Immersive visual effects to enhance the intensity of undead skirmishes.
  • NPC Animation Set Update: Breathing life into the undead horde with improved animations.
  • Weapon Model Review: Ensuring each weapon is meticulously crafted for maximum impact.
  • Battle HUD UI Update: Revamped interface for streamlined battlefield information.
  • Aim Reaction Mechanic: Adding depth to combat with responsive aiming mechanics.
  • Completed Utility for Semi-Auto Integration of the Weapons Assets: Streamlining weapon asset integration for smoother development.
  • Integrated Weapons Assets: Bringing a diverse array of weapons into the game world.
  • Show Weapon Assets within the Equipment Tab: Providing easy access to your arsenal.
  • NPC Behavior Design: Crafting lifelike behavior for the undead horde.
  • AudioSystem Design: Setting the stage for immersive audio experiences.
  • Edgegap Open Match Research: Exploring new avenues for optimized multiplayer experiences.
  • Inventory Contracts Discussion: Laying the groundwork for robust inventory management systems.
  • Created Videos and Screenshots from the Scene: Showcasing the haunting beauty of the undead realms.

In Progress:

  • Consumable List Update: Expanding your tactical options with new consumable items.
  • UI Score System: Implementing a comprehensive scoring system for competitive gameplay.
  • Settings: Fine-tuning customization options for the optimal gaming experience.
  • Fixing TRS (Translate, Rotation, Scale) for the Weapon Assets: Fine-tuning weapon positioning for optimal in-game performance.
  • View and Develop Character Animations for Weapon Types: Ensuring seamless integration of character animations with weapon mechanics.
  • NPC Behavior System: Bringing the undead to life with dynamic behavior systems.
  • Preparing Skins for Integration in Unity: Customization options coming soon!
  • Preparing Weapons for Integration in Unity: Arm yourself for battle with meticulously crafted weapons.
  • Work on the Parts of the Location: Crafting immersive environments for your undead adventures.

Stay vigilant, and may your undead-slaying adventures be both thrilling and rewarding!

Stay tuned for more updates and join our discord server

Wishlist Undeads Today on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/2664670/Undeads/



Undeads Games

Open-world survival MMORPG with AAA gameplay, fun-first game design & dozens of play-to-own and play-to-earn mechanics in line with healthy game economy