Undeads RPG Dev Diary — Week 1, 2024

Undeads Games
3 min readJan 8, 2024


Undeads RPG

Greetings, survivors! This week, we’ve been elbow-deep in irradiated guts, diligently pushing the boundaries of our glorious zombie-slaying adventure. Prepare to dive into the details, and brace yourselves for some gut-churning progress across all fronts.

Completed Work:

Map Improvements: Our team has dedicated extensive hours to revamping and refining the game maps. Expect strategically enhanced landscapes to immerse yourselves in.

Camera Polishing Behavior: We’ve fine-tuned the camera behaviour, ensuring smoother and more intuitive navigation throughout the game.

Additional Updates

  • HUD Integration: The heads-up display (HUD) is seamlessly integrated, providing essential information without obstructing gameplay.
  • Settings UI Widget Integration: Players can now easily customize their gaming experience through an intuitive settings interface.
  • UI Popups Integration: Interactive and informative popups have been incorporated for a more engaging experience.
  • Blood Effects: Adding a touch of realism, blood effects are now intricately woven into the gameplay.
  • Creation of Game Server Build and Docker Image for Edgegap: Setting up a stable server infrastructure to ensure a smooth gaming experience.
  • Tested Connection to Remote Server: Ensured seamless connectivity for players across different locations.
  • Synchronized Player Regular and Battle Movement: Achieved fluid movement synchronization.
  • Synchronized Aiming Animation State: Precise aiming animations are now seamlessly synced across all gameplay instances.
  • Items Migration from Game Design to Database (FLOW+DOC): Ensured a smooth transition of in-game items for seamless integration.
  • Game Session Initiation: Players can now seamlessly begin their gaming sessions without any hassle.
  • First Iteration Map Delivery: A sneak peek into our visually stunning game environment.
  • Map Fixes Based on Game Design Comments: Iterative improvements based on meticulous feedback.

In Progress:

Bot Behavior Update: Enhancements in the behaviour of in-game bots are underway, promising more realistic and challenging encounters.

  • Core Battle Mechanics at the Test Location: Our team is rigorously testing and fine-tuning core battle mechanics for an exhilarating gaming experience.
  • Battle Mechanic for Assault Rifle + Battle Data Sync: Tweaking and syncing rifle mechanics for an authentic combat feel.
  • Acquiring Connection Data for Game Server from Backend: Work in progress to solidify the server-backend connection for optimized performance.
  • Items Migration Structure: Ongoing work to streamline the structure for efficient data migration.
  • Prototyping Block Scheme for Long-Term Vision Map: Crafting a blueprint for a spectacular game map that aligns with our long-term vision.
  • Blocks for Location: Creating versatile location blocks for seamless integration into various parts of the environment.

The dedication and effort poured into these tasks bring us closer to delivering an immersive and captivating gaming experience. Stay tuned for more updates as our journey towards game perfection continues!

Explore Undeads Today on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2664670/Undeads/

or Play Undeads Rush now!



Undeads Games

Open-world survival MMORPG with AAA gameplay, fun-first game design & dozens of play-to-own and play-to-earn mechanics in line with healthy game economy