Undead MarketPlace

Everything You Need To Buy, Create, & Sell Your NFTs

7 min readNov 29, 2021

Disclaimer Read This First

NFTs can be created by anyone & they may or may not represent any additional utility beyond having a nice image.

So be aware of what you are purchasing and DYOR

Sometimes it may take some time for the NFTs to populate with that out of the way let’s explain this process


This is the official website & we recommend that you bookmark this for easy access and so that you don’t get caught with a fake look alike site.

Start by connecting your wallet & making sure you are connected to the FTM network so that you can interact with the site.

Check out the Top Picks (these will be the most popular by vote)

You can even check out the top weekly sellers & by clicking on the addresses you can see if they have a specific website/profile for you to check out more of their work.

This is a great social feature for creators looking for promotion for their work!

Scroll down & you’ll see more options for you to choose.

We will go over the options as a BUYER first then as a CREATOR


This is where you can place your bids on existing NFTs.

Clicking on any image will bring up the pop up menu for you to place a bid (if you do not see place bid make sure your wallet is connected)

After you press “Place Bid” you will be brought to a pop up where you can input how much $UNDEAD you would like to spend for the auction. You will need to press “Approve” first and approve the spend of $UNDEAD if this is your first time.

Keep in mind there is a 5% minimum you will need to bid over in order to have your bid accepted.

Can’t low ball these offers 😈

After your bid goes through you’ll be able to see the NFT you bid on in
My Bids”

If you are Outbid

You can go back and bid again.

You can only place bids with what you have in your wallet.

So in this example I have already placed a bid of 5 UNDEAD but got outbid and current highest bid is 9.90 UNDEAD. I have 15 UNDEAD in my wallet & tried to place a bid of 17 UNDEAD but this will not work.

So I entered a bid of 15 Undead & because I already had 5 UNDEAD in there I only needed to contribute 10 more (5+10=15).

Which left me with 5 UNDEAD in my wallet.

You will win the NFT when you have the highest bid when the timer runs out

Fixed Price Sale

This is where you will find NFTs that are being sold for a specific price rather than the bidding style from an auction. Click “Buy Now” and all you need is to pay for gas + the price.

You can see your purchased NFT’s in “My Collection”

Sold Out

This is where you can view past NFT sales and the details around the NFT. If you have an auction that just finished you will be able to view these here.

If no one has bid on your NFT and you try and press “Claim” you will get a big error with a massive FTM amount. Because you are trying to claim nothing…

My Bids

This is where you will see your current active NFT bids for easy tracking.

You will also be able to place your bids on NFTs if you have been outbid. “Place Bid”

If You Did Not Win Your Bid & Time Runs Out

You can claim your tokens used for bidding under “My Bids.” Press withdraw and you’ll be able to claim back your tokens after paying a small gas fee.

My Collection

You will be able to view your NFT collection here from those that you bought from the Undead NFT marketplace.

Press “Put On Sale” To list your NFT either for Auction or Fixed Price

Imported Collection

As the FTM NFT marketplace expands more and more NFT collections will be found. This button will allow you to integrate in your NFTs into this collection and be able to list them for sale on the UNDEAD marketplace.

Just press “Import Other NFTs” and paste the contract address.

Create Your NFT

Upload your file

Name your NFT & feel free to add a description to it (there is a word limit & if you have trouble with minting your NFT adjust this)


If you want to place your NFT up for sale with an auction type bidding system you will click on just the first tab.

Enter in the details of the price, token, start, & end date.

*Keep in mind by selling the token for $UNDEAD there will be a 2% fee and if selling for ETH there will be a 3% fee for the platform*

Once you have created the Auction you will not be able to alter any of the details such as pricing or cancel the sale, so make sure that you have the right details before creating your NFT!

Instant Sale

Click on both tabs in order to change from Auction to a “Buy Now” price. In this example if someone pays 500 $UNDEAD they will be able to buy the NFT listed.

When you are ready scroll down & click “Approve To Create”

Press “Confirm” & pay the gas fee

Press “Create Item”

This screen will change with a warning for you.

Give this some time for your NFT data to populate & a mint transaction will populate into your metamask for you to pay.

*Eventually the screen will redirect you back to the marketplace, this feature has not been added yet at the time of this writing*

Instant Sale will be different in comparison to “Auction” as you can cancel a sale any time & relist your NFT if you would like to change the price or if you decide to not sell your NFT after all.

If noone has bought your NFT

If you want to re-list your NFT or cancel the sale you will need to press on the image itself of your NFT

This will bring up another screen where you will have the option to cancel and claim your NFT back or renew & re-list your NFT

Have Your Fans Like Your Auctions!

Find your NFT & press the heart symbol

This will bring up a gas transaction to “heart” the NFT

Get enough hearts & your NFT will show up at the top of the NFT marketplace in the “Top Picks” section.

There will be many more updates to the marketplace as time goes on. This article will be updated whenever updates roll out, so be sure to bookmark this for future viewing.


