A Parallel UAP Study Exists

Is This Study Privately Funded by Personal Wealth or by the US Government? Or Both?

29 min readMay 6, 2024

Executive Summary:

  • Lacatski, Kelleher, Knapp and Corbell all indicate that there are unacknowledged UAP studies that existed parallel to AAWSAP and are still active
  • The hidden UAP studies may have been funded by both the USG and personal wealth
  • An orb was recorded in a Bigelow facility in 2011 (post AAWSAP) and details are currently available but unknown
  • The potential second sponsor for BAASS’s UAP study appears to be Prince Hans Adam II of Liechtenstein

This article aims to bring forward multiple pieces of information that have existed in the public domain but appear to have been overlooked by many in the UAP/UFO community. Key players have intimated that those interested in this topic need to read between the lines and continue asking the pertinent questions if they want the answers. Many people have asked the questions and have tried to infer what may be hidden between the lines in books, what is cryptically eluded to on podcasts, or conveyed in documentaries. Yet, with all of those questions being asked, none appear to have been potent enough to extract the formal acknowledgement of either a privately funded UAP research study, or one funded by the USG that ran parallel to the DIA’s Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Application Program (AAWSAP). Not only does the information below point to such a study existing, but there have been clear indications by informed individuals that this study never stopped and is still running in 2024.


There is certainly enough information available through other sources that provide deep background on Robert Bigelow’s National Institute of Discovery Science (NIDS) and Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS), that should negate the requirement to define each program, identify key players and provide a run down on their history. The same can be said for the nuanced history of the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Application Program (AAWSAP) and Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP).

The sources for this article are the following:

The Existence of a Parallel UAP Study

Consider the following comments made by either Jim Lacatski or Colm Kelleher in the interview conducted by Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp on S1 E38 of the Weaponized Podcast.

(0:06:43) Lacatski stated: “Now, I believe that who we called Axelrod, or perhaps Lue Elizondo, or perhaps some of their cohorts, and maybe all of them came up with the name AATIP. That name would have been would have been a great problem for DIA, because AAWSAP routed the money to the Defense Warning Office of DIA, it had to be that name.”

Analysis: This reference is here only to solidify who was involved with the name selection of AATIP. We know AATIP continued on after AAWSAP was shut down. This was a US government led effort. Later in this article, George Knapp’s monolog from the Hunt for the Skinwalker highlights that AATIP didn’t have involvement at Skinwalker Ranch, only BAASS did.

(0:07:36) Lacatski stated: “AATIP was something that was necessary to be proceeded with on military cases, Lue handled that I was not privy because it was mainly spun up as I was getting ready to retire. I will say this though, that when I left, all of our references were electronically, specifically scanned in electronically at DIA. Now, I can’t say what happened in the years since I retired in 2016. It could have been that they were purged, but they weren’t physical records. So, I don’t see why there is a problem in people asking for them except for the fact, and this is why these books are required, most of them were proprietary. Remember they were Monthly Reports from the contractor in specialized studies. They had people’s names, contractor names, the facilities that were being bought and constructed, they had security information…”

Analysis: Per the above two quotes, one highlights that AATIP was used as a nickname for AAWSAP to maintain security, and when Lacatski states that this was Lue’s program for military cases, he was referring to the AATIP that operated out of the Pentagon. He provided clarity on this in his Mystery Wire interview with George Knapp. AATIP retained its name as an unofficial program within the Pentagon and was led by Elizondo, post AAWSAP. If AATIP was focused on military only, that left the balance of UAP investigation to the parallel UAP study. It is important to keep AATIP front of mind as there was collaboration between these two groups, more on that later. Lacatski also does not feel there is a problem with the public asking for the Monthly Reports generated by BAASS, provided they are scrubbed of personal information and security is properly maintained. If contractor names are listed within the BAASS reports, might we find groups like EarthTech International, Hathaway Research International, Med:For, Inc. and others? These contractors will be expanded on later in the article. Who bought and constructed facilities and how many were there? Was it only BAASS, or did other groups buy and construct facilities?

(0:14:40) Corbell quoted from Initial Revelations:

“At the conclusion of a 2011 meeting in the Capitol building with a U.S. Senator and an agency Under Secretary, Lacatski, the only one of this book’s authors present, posed a question. He stated that the United States was in possession of a craft of unknown origin and had successfully gained access to its interior.”

Analysis: Was the event described by Lacatski, when they accessed the interior of a craft, post AAWSAP? Was it handled via AATIP, a privately funded parallel UAP study by BAASS? Was there another US government funded UAP study involved? Or was Lacatski referring to a legacy program that he may or may not have been a part of? The timing of this event and the party involved remain unknown at this time. It would also be useful to know who the Under Secretary was, might it have been Caryn Wagner of the Department of Homeland Security? What was the timing of this meeting in relation to the 2011 DHS Kona Blue PSAP request and termination (more details on this later).

(0:18:09) Lacatski stated: “Skinwalkers at the Pentagon and Initial Revelations, if I might use the shorter title on this new book, has not what I would call zingers in it, but has some interesting doors that have not been even mentioned. 1. Why was this program started? 2. Why was this program ended? And we’ve raised this partially in Skinwalkers at the Pentagon, did it end? Also, we had a chapter in Skinwalkers at the Pentagon where we met with a high-level Brazilian official at a meeting, started introducing some of our cohorts and no one ever asked us, why did you have that meeting? What was so important about that meeting? You know there’s a lot of material in there that as Kit Green, Dr. Kit Green, one of our consultants on the AAWSAP program, said “Read between the lines”. That applies both to Skinwalkers at the Pentagon and Initial Revelations. “Read between the lines.” Now, you may come to the wrong conclusions and I can tell you on the topics I just read, you don’t have enough information to come to the correct answers.”

Lacatski was immediately pressed by Corbell to provide an answer as to why the program was started, he declined to provide an answer “without documenting more, and getting approval.” He also would not answer why all of the DIRDs were developed.

Analysis: Lacatski encourages people to ask the questions, but when asked directly by Corbell, he clarifies that he cannot answer without approval. This leaves us to “read between the lines.” Lacatski is coy when posing the question, “did it end?” This is a clear hint that some other aspect of the UAP study continues.

The reference to the meeting with General Paulo Roberto Yog de Miranda Uchôa is interesting. Here is an excerpt from Skinwalkers at the Pentagon that shows who was in attendance:

‘Although Robert Bigelow, Hal Puthoff, Colm Kelleher, and the BAASS team had met one or two of Jim Lacatski’s extensive network of East Coast Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), the people who showed up to that dinner comprised the A-Team of covert investigative talent across multiple agencies in the United States Government. The individuals in this unique group were all passionately focused on investigating UAPs with consummate professionalism; they also had access to state-of-the-art sensor technology. The dinner was organized by Lacatski and Axelrod; it was the first attempt to bring the Las Vegas and East Coast arms of AAWSAP together.

In addition to Jim Lacatski, Jonathan Axelrod brought a team of people to the dinner, three of whom were already engaged in an in-depth investigation of the encounter of the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group with a Tic Tac-shaped object off the coast of San Diego a few years earlier.

Further down the dinner table sat Luis Elizondo, who worked collaboratively with Axelrod and was at the office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (USDI).

Opposite Elizondo, looking suave and sophisticated, sat Juliett Witt who was known only by reputation to the BAASS group as a superb Pentagon Operational Test and Evaluation Analyst and DoD Target Sensor Specialist well versed in counterintelligence operations. Witt was a veteran of multiple tours in Russia and Afghanistan and was no stranger to the cloak and dagger rituals of undercover field work. Her position at the Pentagon included membership on multiple interagency task forces that dealt with technical data gathering, so her presence in the group served as the tip of the spear for an extensive network of subject matter experts.

As Kelleher looked around the table, he was acutely aware that this was a unique gathering of individuals who had four extremely valuable traits in common: an active-duty United States Government affiliation, complete anonymity, technical expertise, and an open mind.’

Analysis: “…the people who showed up to that dinner comprised the A-Team of covert investigative talent across multiple agencies in the United States Government.” This does not seem like the AAWSAP program was limited to the DIA. Was there a wider collaborative group within the US government, who may have had their own UAP related programs that Lacatski brought together for this meeting? Did it consist of both USG and private industry? It seems like the authors of Skinwalkers at the Pentagon want the public to know that the groups involved were more than just DIA’s AAWSAP and Bigelow’s BAASS.

(0:38:36) George Knapp stated: “…the second part of the question was, do we not in fact report in Skinwalkers at the Pentagon that you guys went knocking on doors asking about these materials, that the materials and I’m assuming we’re talking about crashed saucer type stuff that was part of what the BAASS plant was modified to receive. That was part of the contract that you were asked to prepare to receive certain materials that you never got and you went looking for them and that’s when the door was slammed in your face. Colm, am I characterizing that incorrectly?”

Kelleher: “Well slightly, because um the people who were moving forward on that were not um, they were working ‘with’ the AAWSAP program, but they weren’t ‘part of’ the AAWSAP program.”

Knapp: “Am I incorrect in you guys were looking for stuff,”

Lacatski: “Remember George, there’s always multiple doors, there always multiple ways of doing things. So, just because a door was slammed in our face, uh is that a common expression that we’re using, is that all we can say?…”

Analysis: This is a very clear, definitive statement that there was another group working in a collaborative nature with the DIA’s AAWSAP team to try to secure materials.

Here is an excerpt from Skinwalkers at the Pentagon that Knapp referred to later on in the interview:

“Shortly after the successful meeting with O’Toole at DHS, Sacha Mover and Jim Bell began knocking on doors beyond DHS to connect with the “keepers of the secrets” in at least two other agencies. In these meetings, which took place in June-July 2011, Sacha, Jim, and colleagues were treated rudely and harshly. Bell and Mover were repeatedly told “no, and hell no.” This left Mover and Bell convinced that advanced technology was sequestered under government supervision at aerospace contractors’ facilities. As a result, the DHS officials became very hesitant and even fearful of moving forward. Perhaps Mover and Bell only belatedly realized the unique, game changing, and earth-shattering nature of the biggest secret ever kept by the United States.”

Analysis: Was Kelleher referring to this DHS team as working ‘with’ but not ‘part of’ AAWSAP in pursuit of materials? Or was he referring to another group? Lacatski had the Bigelow facility cleared by DSS promptly after contract award, and DHS was not involved until 2011.

Skinwalkers at the Pentagon:

“Lacatski worked directly with the Defense Security Service (DSS) under the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual to successfully obtain a new Top Secret (TS) facility clearance for the contractor-owned building. He also worked directly with DIA to have a small Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) certified within this TS facility, but original construction flaws made this financially untenable. Therefore, Lacatski worked directly between DIA and the contractor as the contractor purchased a partially completed new building, the whole of which was then able to be modified to DIA SCIF standards.”

Analysis: The DHS tie-in was not until 2011, after AAWSAP was shut down. Certainly more clarity is required to understand the timing of the pursuit of materials. It should be noted that Lacatski stated in the interview (0:40:21) that he would not characterize that they were constructing facilities for full blown craft. One can infer that the plan was only ever to receive materials.

(1:00:34) Corbell states: “…the AAWSAP program is the largest acknowledgement UFO program to the public, to the American public. But, we know there were other, and are other, UFO programs and we’ll get into the “are other” because on camera you guys talked with me about that this study continues, we’ll get into that. But, as far as legacy UFO programs like what is your understanding of that like David Grusch talked about it, it’s now public that there were these things, have you ever had experience with that Jim? Have you been part of a UFO program, a legacy UFO program?”

Lacatski: “Couldn’t say yes or no on that,…”

Lacatski continues: “…any program that is truly looking into UAP paranormal has to do what we did and now I’ll put in another thing, “may still be going on…”

Corbell: “…AAWSAP it ended in the form that we know it, but you have said to me directly and George on camera, we just haven’t put that footage out yet, both of you, that the program continues just under a different guise, a different name…”

Analysis: Another clear statement that there is another program. It is not confirmed that this is private or USG funded. AAWSAP certainly didn’t receive funding from 2011–2016 per the following excerpt from Skinwalkers at the Pentagon.

Skinwalkers at the Pentagon:

“Repeated efforts to find continued funding for AAWSAP from 2011 through 2016 by, at various times, Senators Harry Reid and Joe Lieberman, and Congressman Steny Hoyer, among others, ultimately failed. But the AAWSAP program, which ran from 2008 to 2010, and what happened during the decade that followed, directly led to the release of the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF) Report by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence on June 25, 2021.”

Analysis: Jay Stratton led the UAPTF and worked closely with AAWSAP/BAASS and post-AAWSAP, with AATIP. There is a high likelihood that he maintained some level of involvement with the UAP topic in the decade between the shutdown of AAWSAP and the startup of the UAPTF. Was there another US government program that had funding for a UAP study? Elizondo was clever and siphoned funds from other unrelated programs he was running to keep things moving with the AATIP program, even if it was an extremely modest budget. It’s comical that he did exactly what Lacatski designed AAWSAP to be protected from, bureaucratic leaching of funds for other means. Brilliant maneuvers to keep that AATIP program afloat. But, it does not seem like AATIP was the only US government UAP program. How many others from the Washington, DC dinner meeting maintained UAP studies within their respective agencies during that time frame?

(1:02:31) Lacatski: “Now we describe in the book, in Chapter 18, the integrated sensor package, yes we had our own design for a sensor package and there are other, other individuals/entities that were interested in placing their own sensor packages with us.”

Corbell: “Like NASA, like another agency, like who?”

Lacatski: “I can’t say, can’t say. Would it have been the same equipment? Well, they may have had resources that we didn’t. Ours was kind of something that we could place in multiple locations.”

Analysis: George Hathaway had sensor packages that were used at Chaco Canyon as noted below in a Vallée diary entry. The comment about resources that AAWSAP didn’t have may be an indication of private funding from the second sponsor or another USG. funded program that we are currently unaware of. Juliett Witt is another individual who may have experience with sensors per her title as shown in Skinwalkers at the Pentagon, “Pentagon Operational Test and Evaluation Analyst and DoD Target Sensor Specialist.”

(1:19:37) Lacatski: “…I wouldn’t put too much into the statement you read, because it was used as a plan (Lacatski was referring to Kona Blue), and as I said, these plans never came to fruition, mainly because 1. The core items were completed in the two years and, 2. It would have required more money and more personnel.”

Analysis: The comment from Lacatski about the program would have required more money and more personnel, echoes some of the comments from Jane Lute, Deputy Secretary of DHS in her reasoning to terminate the pursuit of a Waived Unacknowledged SAP for an “AAWSAP-like” program within DHS (Kona Blue). I wanted to highlight this comment as prompt termination of the Kona Blue PSAP may be due to other UAP studies in operation or knowledge of a legacy program.

Background on Kona Blue:

In 2009, Senator Harry Reid attempted to secure Restricted SAP status for DIA’s BAASS/AAWSAP program to help increase the chances of being able to receive both information and materials from the legacy UAP programs, hidden within private aerospace companies. The AAWSAP program ended in 2010, but Lacatski, Kelleher, Puthoff, and others from the AAWSAP/BAASS team had a plan to create an “AAWSAP-like” program within the Department of Homeland Security’s Science and Technology group to ensure a government led UAP program continued. In 2011, Lacatski briefed Dr. Tara O’Toole with the S&T group and helped to develop the proposal for this program, called Kona Blue. The Department of Defense’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) recently released documents on the DHS’s S&T group’s Prospective Special Access Program (PSAP), Kona Blue. Within the document dump, the following is revealed:

SAPOC Chair, Deputy Secretary Jane Lute questioned if the budget & personnel requirements of prospective SAP, Kona Blue would be sufficient (echoed by Jim Lacatski in the Weaponized interview). It sure sounds like Lute understood the scale and significance of a project built to investigate and study UAP.

Consider the following comments on how the decision was made to terminate the prospective SAP Kona Blue:

SAPCO Chief Steven Cover provided an update on recent activities undertaken and information gathered on the PSAP.

General Counsel Ivan Fong and Under Secretary Caryn Wagner provided their perspectives on the proposal.

Deputy Secretary Jane Lute then led a discussion of the proposal during which various questions about the proposal were identified and considered. Those questions included whether the justification for establishment as a SAP (e.g., assessment of threat/vulnerability) were adequate and whether the development of a number of required elements of the proposal, including the budget and personnel requirements was sufficient. At the conclusion of the discussion, Deputy Secretary Lute directed that the PSAP be immediately terminated.

The final decision reads:

The Deputy Secretary has made the determination that DHS was not going to execute activities proposed for the DHS S&T PSAP Kona Blue. In conjunction with the General Counsel, it was decided that the program as proposed did not require extraordinary security measures and terminated all activities within the Department & further directed the SAPCO to initiate appropriate Program close-down procedures.

Analysis: Did the SAPOC know about the real legacy program/s currently held within private industry? Did that influence the comment about insufficient budget and personnel concerns? We know that funding there programs is astronomical. Did General Counsel tip the scales against approval?

If this group knows about the depth of the real legacy program, they may have questioned the sanity of moving any aspect of it out of the shadows and into a newly established, 12-month old, Department of Homeland Security, just to satisfy the curious folks in the DIA and BAASS. We know that Sacha Mover and Jim Bell met significant resistance from the gatekeepers when they tried to access these legacy program. “No, and Hell, No!”

The firm denials and guided counsel led to a prompt decision by the SAPOC to immediately shut down a carefully crafted attempt to gain access to the legacy program at the center of the Wilson/Davis memo. It is clear that the security of these programs trumps everything else.

Another key reference of a currently unacknowledged UAP study can be found in the text only scenes near the end of Jeremy Corbell’s 2008 documentary Hunt for the Skinwalker:




Analysis: The sale of Skinwalker Ranch from Robert Bigelow to Brandon Fugal happened in 2016, which is considerably later than the shut down of AAWSAP. Does Brandon Fugal accommodate and provide uninterrupted access to Skinwalker Ranch for a UAP program whose existence is still concealed from the public? Is the team at Skinwalker Ranch providing data to this secretive program?

George Knapp also provides this monolog at the end of the Hunt for the Skinwalker documentary laying out the existence of a still unrevealed UAP program:

“In addition, we learned that there was a contract given out and it involved BAASS, Bigelow Advanced Aerospace, within Bigelow Aerospace, here in Las Vegas. And, uh, that a study had been conducted, $22 million, and that part of that study focused on Skinwalker Ranch. A lot of people assume that AATIP and BAASS were almost synonymous, that the money for AATIP and BAASS came from the same pot, that it was the same program. The fact is, it wasn’t. What was – BAASS was involved with something else. BAASS was under a much larger program, the existence of which has not been made public yet. But BAASS was not part of AATIP. AATIP did communicate with BAASS. There was exchange of information back and forth. But it wasn’t AATIP that went to the ranch. It was somebody else. BAASS investigators went to the property, investigated it, interviewed witnesses, collected evidence, much like NIDS had done before, National Institute for Discovery Science, which, while many people suspected it was a government program, was not. It was completely funded by Bob Bigelow. He bought the property, he hired the people to be there. Uh, he conducted studies for more than a decade. He owned the ranch for 20 years and sold it in 2016. NIDS was private, BAASS was public. In that, it was funded by taxpayer money. And, uh, that came from a program whose name has not yet been made public.”

Analysis: Knapp indicates above that this unnamed program was funded by Bob Bigelow. While that absolutely may be the case, there is a possibility that the funding was quietly secured from a second sponsor that he was pursuing for BAASS.

BAASS Orb Activity Post:

Bigelow Aerospace made an interesting post to their social media account X (formerly Twitter) on September 20, 2019. With the caption that said only “Our small contribution,” they provided a short 10 second video clip from of an orb within their facility on February 3, 2011. Note, this event was post AAWSAP.


This raises several questions:

  • Was this in the secure facility that BAASS had cleared by DSS to be part of the Restricted SAP with a Bigoted Access List requested by the late Senator Harry Reid for AAWSAP?
  • Was this R&D facility a clean room?
  • What was in that room that triggered orb activity?
  • Did the room house materials from any anomalous objects?
  • Was the orb unimpeded as it passed through the wall?
  • Is there a second video of the orb’s transmedium properties from a different angle or a different room that shows continuity of movement?
  • If material was being stored or analyzed in that room, was the analysis being done for a private UAP study or a US government funded study?

Danny Silva of The Silva Record had a blog post (https://silvarecord.com/2019/09/20/bigelow-aerospace-tweets-alleged-orb-video/) on the orb, which included the following quote from a source: “It is an orb recorded in a highly secure Bigelow Aerospace facility in Las Vegas. It caused quite a bit of speculation when the image was captured. Absolutely nothing could get in or out of that particular structure but yet, something did…”

And, the following comment came from Bigelow Aerospace: “The circumstances surrounding the facility and type of room this video was shot in are paramount. There may be numerous details regarding this video than are currently available.”

Analysis: It appears that Bigelow didn’t stop their UAP related research at the conclusion of AAWSAP. How much longer did it last? What are the numerous details about the video that are currently available? It would be great if they could be shared with the public.

BAASS’s Second Sponsor:

Back on July 16, 2023, Keith Basterfield, an excellent open-source UFO researcher, posted about Robert Bigelow looking for a second sponsor for the BAASS/AAWSAP program. The blog post can be found here:


Basterfield’s blog had many of the following Vallée journal entries pointing towards Prince Hans Adam II of Liechtenstein. While Basterfield was not able to confirm the Prince’s involvement, he appeared to be on the right track.

Crown Prince Hans Adam II of Liechtenstein

One of his followers also pointed out that within Appendix II of Skinwalkers at the Pentagon, there was mention of the Prince’s prior funding of UAP programs being successful.

“The shining examples of privately funded research come from two individuals – Robert T. Bigelow and Prince Hans Adam of Liechtenstein. Bigelow’s funding of the National Institute for Discovery Science for eight years was an example of how private funding can lead to groundbreaking research. Likewise, Prince Hans Adam of Liechtenstein provided a stable pipeline of funding over decades for a variety of programs both in Europe and in North America.”

The following are extracts from Jacques Vallee’s Forbidden Science 5 that provide context on the potential second sponsor for BAASS as part of, or parallel to, AAWSAP. This privately funded UAP Study would have started in late 2008 or early 2009. Either, this program ran for a few years and the money dried up, or it is still operational. Jacques Vallée, the author of these dairies, was hired as a consultant to the DIA’s AAWSAP program for his vast knowledge of the UAP phenomenon, as well as data warehouse design. He was the architect for the CAPELLA data warehouse.

July 14, 2008

“Returning my call this afternoon, Kit threw a completely different light on the project that Bob Bigelow and Hal had described to me. “Like you, when I first heard about it, I thought it just involved the ranch,” he began. “Only later, when I met with the man in Washington who is behind this, and when Hal and I met with another sponsor six weeks ago, I understood it was much more open-ended than what Bob said. It’s a very big project. The complete description includes a large secure building , and yes, international aspects are very important.”

Analysis: The “six weeks ago” comment may be a reference to the following October 6, 2008 journal entry regarding Kit and Hal making a trip to Europe. This European trip makes it plausible that they met with billionaire, Prince Hans Adam II of Liechtenstein. The Prince is very familiar with Bob Bigelow and the UAP topic, he also has deep connections with Dr. George Hathaway of Hathaway Research International. Please consult Basterfield’s blog for an extensive run-down on both the Prince and Dr. Hathaway.

October 6, 2008

“George Hathaway is in his fifties. He looks like my brother, a cordial fellow with a moustache and a black leather jacket, a keen sense of humor and a quick mind. A father with two daughters in their 30’s, he is an engineer, not a physicist, he insists; he just ‘gets the equations from Puthoff and works with them.’ He kindly picked me up from the airport and took me to dinner at Canoe’s a trendy place high on a skyscraper from which we could see the lights of Toronto.

He has been working for his current sponsors since 1979. In 1988 they ‘rescued’ Hal from the bureaucracy by co-funding his fledgling research Institute, but I told George I thought we couldn’t assume the physical answers tend to fit general relativity. Some interesting startups in my backyard and elsewhere were testing radically different formulations of mass and inertia. Hal is quite aware of this.

The main topic of the evening was the BAASS project and we were immediately on the same level, sharing plans but also concerns. Why wasn’t there an organizing meetings that could have drawn on the lessons from the shortcomings of NIDS? Why the contradictions between the plan to contact other nations to share data and the expectation of privileged information from Washington? Why the speculation about potential disclosure when a legal decision exists, precluding us from such disclosure?

George, who isn’t a US Citizen, isn’t fully briefed but he knows that Bob Bigelow wanted a European sponsor to get involved, hence the trip with Hal and Kit, although that eminent contact isn’t officially supposed to know the sponsor (as if he couldn’t find out with two phone calls). That channel can open doors and the world, so George encouraged me to go and discuss the subject in Europe…”

Analysis: Per Basterfields’ blog, he provides significant details from the Vallée diaries that George Hathaway has deep ties to Prince Hans Adam, as he has been a sponsor of Hathaway’s for years. One might also assume Vallee’s comment about Hathaway’s current sponsor since ’79 and bailing out Puthoff in ’88, was a reference to the Prince. If that is the case, then the Prince may also have a financial interest in EarthTech International, which is the parent company of The Institute of Advanced Studies at Austin, also founded by Puthoff. Is the word “International”, in both EarthTech International and Hathaway Research International due to funding ties to the Prince? I’ve bolded one sentence here that raises an interesting question: What law is currently in place to prevent disclosure?

November 23, 2008

Vallee travels to Zurich, Switzerland.

Analysis: Consider this comment from Basterfield: “Switzerland is adjacent to the country of Liechtenstein. So, I suspect that one possibility for Bigelow’s European co-sponsor would be Hans-Adam.; an eminent individual, with previous links to George Hathaway; and in fact, to Vallée, who had met Hans-Adam some years previously to discuss their respective research.”

November 24, 2008

On a train from Zurich.

“Our meeting with our potential co-sponsors was relaxed. They were urbane and simple. We sat by the fireplace in a vast office, while they apologized for the lingering smell of a wood fire. My appeal for help in reaching cabinet-level people who might have access to the real files in Europe had little result; however, they found closed doors everywhere, so my initial reality-check of Bigelow’s plan led to a negative conclusion. They made it clear that few people in political office would take the initiative of opening the real data unless there was a clear, open signal from the United States, which has a history of carelessly exposing its friends…”

Analysis: Vallée had a journal entry from November 4th, 1989, where he had stayed with the Prince in his home. It would not be unexpected that he may have visited the Prince again to discuss the new BAASS project with the second sponsor. The Prince would certainly have an office in neighboring Switzerland, in which business meetings like this could be held.

December 24, 2008

A conversation between Jacques Vallée and Hal Puthoff.

“He told me his first job had consisted of putting together a program plan, timeline and list of collaborators. That had taken 45 days with Eric and George Hathaway…”

Analysis: Another connection with George Hathaway, indicating close collaboration between Puthoff (Founder of EarthTech International, which was contracted by BAASS for the 38 DIRDs developed for AAWSAP’s Project Physics) and Hathaway Research International when it came to planning AAWSAP or a parallel UAP study. This collaboration would be logical whether the Prince was funding things or not, as Hathaway is certainly a go-to expert in UAP research.

May 16, 2009

“Hal shares my frustration about the lack of data from Skinwalker Ranch, where we’d proposed installing instruments from George Hathaway, like those already used at Chaco Canyon.”

Analysis: While this was a desire of both Vallée and Puthoff to add the sensors from Hathaway; it is unknown if these sensors were ever installed. The above journal entry is quite interesting, as Lacatski & Kelleher happened to mention on the Weaponized podcast that the “other party” associated with BAASS wanted to install sensors with AAWSAP and these individuals had resources that the DIA team didn’t have. Please note that the diary entry was from 2009, when AAWSAP was still active, whereas the podcast was Lacatski and Kelleher looking back at past events. If Lacatski and Kelleher were implying the “other party” with the sensors was Hathaway, then the funding from the Prince would certainly be significant. However, as we saw above, it is possible that there was another group who may have wanted to install sensors at Skinwalker Ranch, and that may be a separate US government funded UAP study that was running parallel with AAWSAP, but open to collaboration. Understanding who had unique sensors and deep resources may be key to answering this question.

While the above excerpts from the diaries of Jacques Vallée provide a trail that appears to lead to a prominent sponsor In Europe, there is still no direct naming of this individual in the diaries, or by Lacatski or Kelleher. Ultimately, this leaves us no further option but to infer, based on the numerous details provided. It should be noted that Robert Bigelow has also committed considerable resources to the study of UAP within Bigelow Aerospace. Both the Prince and Bigelow are billionaires with a deep interest in this topic. It is based on the comments from Lacatski & Kelleher on Weaponized that highlight significant funds by the “other party” that drives my suspicion that the Prince is behind the private funding. If answers to the questions posed above are provided, we may be able to solidify the wealth benefactor.

Potential Parallel UAP Study Makeup:

If a UAP Study does happen to exists, one would expect to see the below familiar contractors providing support in the following UAP research areas as outlined in the Kona Blue PSAP documents:

Data Collection Division

Led by Jacques Vallée

During the AAWSAP program Vallée was contracted to lead the development of the CAPELLA data warehouse which is the largest collection of UAP related data anywhere in the world. It pulled volumes of data from multiple (11) international databases and was properly indexed and categorized using the Vallée/Davis 6-layer model of anomalous phenomena. There were aspirations to apply AI/machine learning to the data warehouse in order to extract more information that humans would struggle to connect. CAPELLA was used by UAPTF, but was not used by any of the groups that followed UAPTF, like AOIMSG or the current AARO.

Experimental/Theoretical Division

EarthTech International Inc./Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin: Led by Dr. Hal Puthoff

Dr. Hal Puthoff has been at the forefront of UAP research and investigation for decades. His leadership at SRI was instrumental with the development and implementation of remote viewing within the intelligence community and DOD. One would expect his expertise in this area would be consulted as it relates to remote viewing usage in studying UAP. He also has done extensive research that includes theories of spacetime, gravity and cosmology, studies of the quantum vacuum, modifications of standard theories of electrodynamics, interstellar flight science, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, developing innovative space propulsion and sources of energy. Notably, he was involved with ATP-10, NIDS, and AAWSAP.

Experimentation/Meta-Materials Division

Hathaway Research International: Led by George Hathaway

The following is from the Hathaway Research International website where they listed some of their past research projects:

  • 1992–1994 Field investigations of anomalous aerial phenomena for private research institute
  • 1997 Field investigations of anomalous aerial phenomena for private research institute
  • 2000 Development of high-voltage pulsed power apparatus for investigations of quantum vacuum fluctuations in conjunction with Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin
  • 2003 Investigation of Schauberger levitation technology in collaboration with Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin
  • 2008 Investigation of various anomalous electrolysis-based energy claims for private client
  • Development of high pulsed-power supply and radiator for tests of Puthoff Polarizable Vacuum Theory
  • 2012 Analysis of material allegedly from anomalous aerial phenomena for a private research institute.

Analysis: There are clearly a number of projects related to anomalous phenomena and advanced tech list in Hathaway’s past research. Who ran the private research institute that Hathaway did this research for? With Puthoff’s Institute of Advanced Studies at Austin listed, who might his other client be? Was this in support of the parallel program that was still active in 2012? A full two years after AAWSAP ended?

Medical Division

Med:For, Inc: Led by Dr. Kit Green

Is the work done by Dr. Kit Green with his company Med:For, Inc., being contracted to support the medical side of the parallel UAP study? This company was incorporated in 2003 and continued to file yearly reports to the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs up until January 2023. This indicates that it has been active for two decades, across the timeline in question. Dr. Kit Green also developed one of the 38 DIRDs for Project Physics entitled: Anomalous Acute and Subacute Field Effects on Human Biological Tissues. It has been plainly stated by knowledgeable individuals that this paper was a study on the health effects caused by close proximity to UAP. Dr. Green has been recognized as a leading medical authority for all things UAP related. If there was a parallel program, he certainly would be involved in some capacity.

Consciousness Division

Bigelow Institute of Consciousness Studies (BICS): Led by Robert Bigelow with Dr. Colm Kelleher as Project Manager

Is the work done by the Bigelow Institute of Consciousness Studies (BICS) the Consciousness Division as recommended within AAWSAP and also proposed within Kona Blue? Are the essay contests on the survival of consciousness after death, being requested from academics and the public, being gathered in a similar fashion as the DIA’s DIRDs? Remember, many of those who developed the 38 papers for Project Physics were not aware that the intent was to use the information they provided as a baseline to better understand potential UAP capability. Bigelow appears to have pivoted to focus heavily on the study of consciousness. The significant tie between the UAP phenomenon and consciousness is becoming more and more apparent and Bigelow, Kelleher and Lacatski all understand this. The Bigelow Institute of Consciousness Studies is where Robert Bigelow is now investing his money.


It appears a major US government funded UAP study exists. This group may have been assembled by Jim Lacatski and brought together for that famous dinner in Washington, DC. It should be noted that the DOD’s AARO, is highly unlikely to be an actual UAP study group, as their track record has been one of obfuscation of the truth to both the public and Congress. Jay Stratton, the individual who ran the UAPTF, noted in his Weaponized interview (S1E3), that a “Program of Record’’ really needed to be set up, one that had the support/power/authority behind it to really obtain answers on legacy programs and to get a true understanding of the UAP situation across the US government. AARO was intended to be that program as directed by the NDAA, however, it is now apparent that certain individuals within its leadership structure are beholden to the gatekeepers of a multi-decade secret.

There also appears to have been a privately funded UAP study, but the duration that it endured is not known. Did the funding from individuals like Robert Bigelow and Prince Hans Adam II of Liechtenstein dry up? Lacatski and Kelleher knew that private funding was likely the best option to advance the study of UAP. Private funding avoids the bureaucracy issues of government funding. We know that Brandon Fugal, the current owner of Skinwalker Ranch, is privately funding his UAP study at the ranch, and Fugal has assured us that it is fully transparent to the public. It is, however, unknown if there are any data sharing arrangements with the DOD or other departments or agencies with a hidden UAP program.

While I have provided quite a bit of circumstantial evidence here, I trust there will be others in the research community who can help fill in some of the gaps and hopefully help create a clearer picture of the UAP study that Lacatski, Kelleher, and others keep referring to, regardless of the funding source. If any of the numerous questions posed above get answered, significant progress could be made to expose these hidden programs.

I can be found on X via my handle @undersc0red

You can find a PDF version of this article at the following Dropbox address: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/smldwydn2792jznphj9ew/BAASS-Parallel-UAP-Study.pdf?rlkey=jua73srwu67khf14jk2lsndxb&dl=0




UAP researcher covering the Phenomenon (UAP/UFOs, high strangeness, consciousness, OBE, RV, NHIs, etc.) and UFO/UAP programs. Find me on X: @undersc0red