Eritrea Ministry of Health opens new health facility in Senafe

4 min readSep 29, 2015


September 20, 2015 was a jubilant day for the community in Senafe as they witnessed the opening of Senafe hospital, a new fully equipped health facility that will enhance access to health care in the Debub region of Eritrea.

Panorama shot of the new Senafe District Hospital

The new facility was constructed and equipped with support from UNDP and the European Union as part of the recovery program.

After the old Senafe District Hospital was destroyed, the community resulted to using these temporary facilities

The construction of the new facility was spearheaded by UNDP Eritrea during the period that UNDP was supporting recovery and rehabilitation programs in Eritrea after the 1998 -2000 border conflict with neighbouring Ethiopia.

The new hospital has modern facilities

The Hospital has outpatient department, accident and emergency block, maternity block, imaging, laboratory, dental care, pharmacy, medical wards, operation theatre, staff changing rooms, doctors’ offices, incinerator, kitchen, laundry etc.

Mr. Yemane Haile (in black stripped suit), Head of the Ministry of Health in Debub Region gives a tour of the hospital

The facility was opened by the Minister for Health, Mrs. Amina Nurhussain.

Minister of Health, Mrs. Amina Nurhussain cuts the ribbon

The hospital is fully equipped with new furniture, drugs, modern equipment and accessories.

Some of the modern equipment at the facility
The hospital is equipped with imaging and X-ray equipment
A microscope in one of the laboratories

During the inauguration the Administrator of Debub, Mr. Efrem GebreKristos said that the hospital, which has 88 beds, will cater for about 85,000 people from Senafe and its surroundings.

Beds in one of the wards

Eritrea has done well in achieving health related MDGs. Senafe Hospital is equipped to provide excellent services in reproductive health and is committed to reducing infant mortality rate.

Every office in the falility has conspicous signage
Fully equipped delivery room
Children ward

“There is value for money as every dollar we spent on this project has been accounted for and every equipment is in its place.” Ms. Christine N Umutoni, UNDP Eritrea Resident Representative

Ms. Christine N Umutoni, UNDP Eritrea Resident Representative
Ramps provide easy access and mobility
Hospital Pharmacy

“In our new programme we have agreed with the Eritrean Government that the majority contribution from EU ( EDF 11) will be on energy. We believe that even though energy is an indirect contribution to the health sector, a reliable energy supply is very important in running a modern hospital like the one we are opening today.” Mr. Christian Manahl, Head of Delegation — European Union.

Mr. Christian Manahl, Head of Delegation, European Union.
Stand-by generator at the hospital

Community members were very excited about the new facilities. “This is such an excellent hospital, we are delighted to have such a great facility in Senafe.” Ms. Lemlem Hagos, National Union of Eritrean Women (NUEW)

Welcome dance -men
Guests and community members
Young entertainers
Eritrea is endowed with rich culture…..
……and cuisine

Going forward, the Eritrean Government plans to continue with construction of phase 3 of the hospital.

