Hiking 3000 Miles from Mexico to Canada — UPDATE!

Hungry Cat
2 min readJul 1, 2022


Hello all. If you started following me on Medium after reading my three-part series called “How Hiking the Appalachian Trail Ruined My Life,” and then the article announcing my 3000 mile hike on the Continental Divide Trail, I apologize that I have not posted since then. I am, indeed, hiking the Continental Divide Trail. What I did not realize when setting this up was that the Medium app does not support me publishing stories.

I know that seems crazy (it is crazy!), but I have to actually sit at a desktop or laptop to write on Medium. Clearly that is not feasible while hiking. I am currently in Breckenridge, CO, to resupply and stay for the night, so I ducked into a public library to type this.

That said, all is not lost! I have been writing, and it is the same content that I was going to publish here for Medium readers; however, I have been publishing my daily accounts from the trail on my own website. In order to pick up where the last Medium article left off, just go here: https://unfetteredfootsteps.com/cdt-2022-thru-hike-yes-again/. This will get you to the beginning of the series. I am able to use Word Press to publish from my phone while hiking.

I will probably later copy these over to Medium post hike, for those who prefer to read on Medium, but for now, if you wish to have “live coverage” of the stories I write while hiking from Mexico to Canada on the Continental Divide Trail, my website is the only place where that is possible.

Thanks for hanging in there with me! I hope that Medium will update their app soon so that stories can be published on a mobile device.

Happy Trails!

— Hungry Cat



Hungry Cat

Hungry Cat is writing stories about life through hiking and travel.