Jeff G.
3 min readApr 29, 2020


This album Follows the title and keeps the theme. That seems to be futuristic and otherworldly. Though it keeps the listener moving and grooving with hard beats.

Each song on this album could easily be a single even if some are stronger than others. While they are all danceable they all seem to have an emotional bend. Where each song could be talking about a different romance or the album could revolve around one at different stages. It’s not personal or a drag just more a commentary that most audience members can identify. Almost like the emotions or situations are subliminal

Messages underneath the beats.

Though this isn’t a bummer album.

It’s Meant to find you in the good times or lift you up. Remind you of the good things in Life. This is more the party after the breakup or the rebound album. Not dark though.

The only song that might not rise to the other songs heights the opening track dirtier nostalgia the title song though it sets up the rest. it’s Not as intoxicating as the rest. Though to be fair it is really the take off point as the other songs allow the album and songs to keep rising leaving you

To float and groove with them wherever they take you, Seatbelts off, nothing to bind you but yourself.

This is so far one of the better albums of the year. I will admit I haven’t Listened to many new albums this year no more than twenty, but the reason this album reaches and means so much might be. As it is the right album at the right time.

As so much of us are in bad shape due to quarantine and the climate. This is a great pick me up album and makes you want to move and shake and dance it gives you energy giving off good vibes and It’s

Actually just a good album as it achieves what it wants doesn’t make itself bigger then it is or then it needs to be.

As with most dance albums this might be an album you need to listen to more when in the mood. As listening at first it seemed groovy but. It awesome until the more you get into it and the more you listen the more it gets into your system and might find yourself unconsciously moving to the beats. This is5

An album you need to listen to multiple times to get into. Nor is it particularly deep it’s


Even with the song LOVE AGAIN it uses the best from a classic white town song I COULD NEVER NE YOUR WOMAN. Not only does it make it it’s Own but makes one nostalgic for the original. So even with it’s futuristic attitude it borrows from the past to make something satisfyingly modern.

One remembers when some artists you listened to a single and then based off of that or subsequent sequels was when you would decide whether to take a chance on an artist or even a popular artists new album. Even though they had their built in audience.

I will admit dua lipa is an artist I heard of from her previous album but whose music never inspired me enough to listen to More, but with this album the single DON’T START NOW convinced me to take a chance and ended up

Loving the album.

It reminds me of Carly Rae Jespen’s 2015 album EMOTION that was more indebted to dance music after starting out from a more pop place.

So much music like any price of art can be open to interpretation at any given time. As even when it comes with music videos. They just offer up a vision maybe no one else thought up and are now conditioned to visualize. The beautiful thing about art is that any individual piece can mean something to you at one age and a few years later takes on a totally different meaning. Really depends on where you are at i. Love

Strangely this album for some odd reason reminds me of London nightlife.

Grade: A

Jeff G.

I like to write about many subjects, thoughts, ideas. Though will admit more pop culture. As film is my religion