Three Words to Rule Them All

Torbjörn Ungvall
3 min readApr 19, 2020

I have been doing this a couple of times before. But as I have lost my focus and inner guiding voice, there have been gaps in terms of years.

The idea is as brilliant as its simple: Choose three words that will act as a lighthouse and guide you throughout the year, or as Chris Brogan puts it: -”The My Three Words idea is simple. Choose 3 words (not 1, not 4) that will help guide your choices and actions today. Think of them as lighthouses. “Should I say yes to this project?” “Well, does this align with my three words?”.

A New Start

As I wrote in a previous blog post, “A New Start”, after making a hard reset of my life at the beginning of the year, I have begun a new journey where the focus is more on my inner compass to rediscover my Why to find the balance. It feels natural to pick up this habit again, to have something to hold on to when finding back to be a guiding leader with a more infinite mindset.

As it’s easy to be caught up in the glorification of busy again, the three words can also help me to shine a light on past events, to learn where I lost focus and need adjustment. A new start also means having the courage to take a step back to gain a better perspective on all things. With the help of the three words, you will notice where you need to change direction, or even to say no to things ongoing.

The Power of Three

I have chosen three words in a different way that will inspire me, and in every situation, remind me of what’s important — essential for me to keep on moving. So, with this said, I’m restarting #my3words with the following guiding words:

Spark — When I switched job to an enterprise setting, I realized how important it is for me to always have the creative drive, a spark that inspires me to challenge and find different paths forward. I have taken this for granted, but now, I must fight for it — to always prioritize what keeps that spark alive. This will remind me of what’s important and help me make the decisions that make me feel engaged and creative.

Voice — I have a need to express myself, to have a voice, and tell a story that can give others inspiration and insight and connects people. This also ties back to the first word — spark — because having a voice and write will make it easier to keep the spark alive. It’s also about being true to myself, to continue to keep my integrity high and build on my reputation.

“It’s not enough to tell a good story, you have to be one, setting high standards of your performance. Then you have the opportunity of taking story-telling one step further into story-doing, making others tell your story. It’s pure magic, and it could be that one piece of content that has the potential of changing your professional future. It’s building a reputation, and I’ve seen it been done over and over again.” — Per Frykman

Guide — In my role as a leader, I always need to improve the principles I base my leadership on — the ones like a guide. This is especially true now in my current role. To stay on top of things and become the leader I know I am and can be — this will keep in focus what’s essential for me to stick to, to thrive.

There you have it — the three words that will guide me for 2020. What is guiding you, and are you using words to inspire you along the way? Share your thoughts in the comments below or post on social media using hashtag #my3words.

In my next post, I will start a recap on a series of leadership posts I made about leading like a guide. I find the still relevant, but they will be reflected through where I am today — on the journey to rediscovering my Why and a journey towards a more infinite mindset as a leader.



Torbjörn Ungvall

Leader, Renegade, Disruptive Thinker, Storyteller, and Social Media Explorer. Opinions are my own…