Pennsylvania. How The Hell Did Trump Win?

Mike Farb
2 min readFeb 13, 2018


Pennsylvania is not a state with a history of Democrats voting Republican.

Pennsylvania consistently votes Democratic.

Pennsylvania had not voted for a Republican President in 28 Years!

No Democrat has ever lost the Presidential election while winning both Philadelphia and Allegheny County.

Russia targeted social media to suppress the Democratic turnout. But Pennsylvania Democrats did NOT stay home.

In the months between the primary and the election a record 500,000 people registered to vote.

Democrats out-registered Republicans by 8.5%. Right up to the deadline of October 11th.

There was no apathy here. Pennsylvania never saw registrations come in close to these numbers before.

Let’s take a look at how the vote broke down.

At the time of the election, Pennsylvania had:

Democratic Voters: 48.4%
Republican Voters: 37.8%
Other Voters: 13.8%

Let’s look at how they voted:

Democratic Voters: 2,938,435 = 47.3% of the Total Vote
Republican Voters: 2,564,801 = 41.3% of the Total Vote
Other Voters: 703,406 = 11.3% of the Total Vote

Clinton received the equivalent of every Democratic vote, minus 12,000.

Trump received the equivalent of every Republican vote.

Problem is, that even with every Republican Vote — if he indeed got them — Trump was still short 373,464 votes! Plus the 44,000 that made up his “margin of victory”.

Pennsylvania had a very small turnout for “Other” voters. Only 703,406 of those who voted were neither Democrats nor Republicans.

Third Party candidates only received 269,534 votes, total.

So if Clinton got almost all of the votes from Democrats, we need to look at the Other voters.

In order for Trump to get the 373,464 he trailed Clinton by and win by another 44,000 votes, he would have needed to get 413,000 of the “Other” votes.

“Other” voters placed 703,406 Votes.
Third party candidates received 269,534 Votes.

Leaving 433,872 votes to split.

433,872 votes, and Trump somehow managed to get 413,000 of them!!

Now obviously not every Democrat voted Democratic, and not every Republican voted Republican. It is just with such a small pool of “Other” voters in Pennsylvania these numbers appear odd.

We based this all around the scenario that Trump got all of the Republican votes.

What 100,000 or 200,000 Republican voters did NOT vote for Trump? That’s only 2% or 3%.

How could Trump possibly have won a Democratic state like Pennsylvania?

— Mike Farb

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