The Masterplan behind the UNICODE NFT Project. The Future of Unicode.

4 min readSep 21, 2022


The “Meta” Phase of the Unicodes NFT Collection was launched on Ethereum Mainnet on September 2nd, 2022. From a first glance, it seems like a simple project — in this post, we’ll tell you why its not.

The Master Plan for the Unicode Project is comprised of a set of Phases.

Note: These are not the only phases. Just the only one’s I am currently allowed to talk about without getting in trouble.

Meta Phase — 1

The Meta Phase of the Unicodes NFT Project acts as a seedling whitelist for what’s to come next with the Unicode Metaverse. An NFT Collection of Unicode were released for Public Sale. Minting a Unicode directly from the app will give you any Unicode in the range of 1–65,536. This sale is limited on a Total Supply of 65,536 as well as holding a lifespan of 4 months (September — December) until the End of This Public Sale. Each Unicode minted during this phase is 0.01 ETH (~$13.30 at the time of writing this).

This collection acts as a Holder Reservation for the Giga Phase. In other words, owning one of the 65,536 Unicode released will whitelist your address to that exact Unicodes for the Giga Phase.

Burning a Unicode NFT will remove your RSVP for that specific Unicode in the Giga Phase

Unicodes on OpenSea:

Benefits of Minting during the “Meta” Phase

Minting a Unicode during this phase will reserve your Unicode into the next phases as well as give you the “OG” Role within the Official Discord Server.

  • Early Access to the Unicode Marketplace
  • Cheaper than Marketplace Base Price and you can mint 15 in a Single Transactions
  • Reserves/Whitelists your Unicode on the Marketplace
  • Reserved Unicodes will be Free Mint on the Marketplace for the Unicode Holders (OGs)
  • Get the “OG” Discord Role

Learn how to Mint cool Unicode!

Giga Phase — 2

The Giga Phase of the Unicodes NFT Project is the finale of the Meta Phase and the release of the Unicode Marketplace. Due to the release of this Marketplace, the Whitelisting/Public Sale Mint will end. In the Unicode Marketplace, you will be able to Mint any un-reserved Unicode with a base price of 0.03 ETH (~$39.89 at the time of writing this). Due to the nature of modules, burning a Unicode will be theoretically impossible — since their immortality.

Along with the marketplace release, the NFT Holders will be able to access the different benefits. We will also be releasing modules and a JavaScript SDK for interacting with the Unicode Platform & Module Contracts.

Already Leaked — Unicode Pay

Simple example of Unicode Pay Structure

Unicode Pay is a Dapp that allows Unicode Holders to receive ETH & ERC20 Payments directly from their Unicode. For example, you mint “λ” from the Marketplace. Our engine will aggregate the data of the NFT and automatically generate deposit links to for the Unicode Holder. For this example, let’s say the Unicode Pay module is based on “”. Since you own “λ”, the “controller” of the NFT can receive payment from URLS such as:


Getting paid by a Hexadecimal Position would be baller and Degen asf, wouldn’t it? Not only can you have a sweet gateway for money, but you can also change the Receive Address in the case you want to accept payments through multiple wallets or Multi-sig Safes.

Already Leaked — Unicode JavaScript SDK

The Unicode JS SDK is a Node Package that allows others to have access to the Unicode Metaverse, but programmatically. This will give people the ability to create their own Dapps with the powers of Unicode. The use-cases of this will be limited by your imagination. Any data pulled from a web2 perspective (database, files) will be required to use an API Key due to the infrastructure of web2 as well as not wanting people to spam our bandwidth with cool unicode stuff.

This package is planned to be entirely open-sourced, of course.

In Conclusion, there’s a ton going on with The Unicode NFT Project. We can’t leak everything due to surprises being fun. Personally, I suggest you mint a Unicode before the Marketplace Opens in Q1/2023 because these phases are often malleable. There may be plans in the future to build a Protocol such as ENS where wallets can use Unicode as Identifiers on platforms other than Unicode Pay. Reserving a Unicode now will guarantee your spot for a long (maybe permanent) time ;).

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