Are Unicorns Real? What Vision Has to do With Reality

My Unicorn World
3 min readJun 10, 2017


Are Unicorns Real?

The short answer is: why not?

You may be wondering are Unicorns real? This has been the subject of endless controversy for millenniums in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. There is so much literature, so many official records, accounts of live sightings, and other forms of accounts concerning unicorns, in so many different parts of the world, that we cannot list them all. We will therefore examine some of these here, and let you make up your own mind.

Before we start lets first ask:

What are Unicorns?

According to “The Spruce” :

Unicorn means ‘one horn’. Most often unicorns are depicted as a white horse-like creature with a single horn growing from its forehead. Sometimes unicorns are depicted as a deer, ass or goat with a single horn. The horn is often depicted as long and straight, marked with spiral striations along its length.

Unicorns are also often depicted as having cloven hooves like cattle, deer or goats. So while the rest of their bodies may be horse-like, they have the hooves of a biungulate, not the ungulate (single-toed) hooves of a horse. They are often depicted with similar coat colors to horses, but most often they are described as being white.

Unicorns have been attributed with many magical qualities. Unicorn tears and blood are said to be healing. Powder of unicorn horn is said to be an antidote for poison and Harry Potter’s wand contained a strand of unicorn tail hair.

They are difficult to catch (not unlike some horses who don’t like to be caught) and in many mythologies, can only be tamed by young maidens. They are a symbol of ferociousness, freedom, power and speed and appear on many coats of arms and emblems.

Unicorns are Real, but We Just Can’t See Them?

The first thing to consider with unicorns is their “magical” powers. It has been widely documented that unicorns have the faculty to render themselves, and other forest creatures, invisible to human eyes in the forest they protect. Unicorns are only visible to people if they so desire to be seen.

Since science is not yet able to explain the extraordinary abilities of real life unicorns, and how they are able to render themselves and other creatures invisible to man (which makes scientific study of unicorns extremely difficult, science having a hard time studying things it doesn’t have the means to detect yet). We can only hope that scientific progress in years to come will allow it to detect and study this amazing animal, furthering our knowledge. In the meantime we can rely on a huge quantity of literature and accounts, real unicorn sightings, and pictures of real unicorns that exist.

Here is some real life sightings:

Best Unicorn Sightings

The search defines the journey

-My Unicorn world

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