Controlling Traffic and Preventing High Speeds in School Zones with Speed Bumps and Humps

Unimat Corporation
3 min readJun 19, 2024

Ensuring the safety of children in school zones is a top priority. Effective traffic control measures are essential to prevent high speeds and accidents in these areas. Speed bumps and humps are proven solutions to control traffic effectively. This article explores how these tools can enhance safety in school zones.

Introduction: The Need for Traffic Control in School Zones

School zones are high-risk areas where the safety of children and pedestrians is paramount. Speeding vehicles pose a significant threat, making it crucial to implement traffic calming measures to ensure a safe environment. Speed bumps and humps are among the most effective tools for achieving this goal.

What Are Speed Bumps and Humps?

Speed Bumps

Speed bumps are raised sections of pavement, typically 3 to 6 inches high, designed to slow down vehicles significantly. They create a noticeable jolt when driven over at high speeds, compelling drivers to reduce their speed.

Speed Humps

Speed humps are similar to speed bumps but are longer and have a more gradual rise and fall. They are typically 10 to 14 feet long, designed to reduce vehicle speed to a lesser degree than speed bumps, allowing for smoother traffic flow.

Benefits of Speed Bumps and Humps in School Zones

Reducing Vehicle Speeds

The primary benefit of speed bumps and humps is their ability to reduce vehicle speeds. This is especially important in school zones where children may suddenly cross the street.

Enhancing Pedestrian Safety

By slowing down traffic, speed bumps and humps make it safer for children and other pedestrians to navigate school zones. Drivers have more time to react to crossing pedestrians, significantly reducing the risk of accidents.

Managing Traffic Flow

Speed bumps and humps help create a more orderly flow of traffic. By slowing down vehicles, they reduce congestion and ensure that drivers maintain safe speeds throughout the school zone.

Increasing Driver Awareness

The presence of speed bumps and humps raises driver awareness of the need to slow down and be vigilant in school zones. This heightened awareness contributes to overall road safety.

How to Implement Speed Bumps and Humps in School Zones

Strategic Placement

For maximum effectiveness, speed bumps and humps should be strategically placed at the entrances and exits of school zones and at regular intervals within the zone. This ensures that vehicles maintain reduced speeds throughout the area.

Compliance with Regulations

Ensure that the installation of speed bumps and humps complies with local regulations and guidelines. Proper signage should be installed to alert drivers to the presence of these traffic calming measures.

Community Involvement

Engage the community in the planning process. This includes informing parents, school staff, and local residents about the benefits of speed bumps and humps and gathering their input on the most effective locations for installation.


Speed bumps and humps are essential tools for controlling traffic and preventing high speeds in school zones. By reducing vehicle speeds, enhancing pedestrian safety, and managing traffic flow, these measures create a safer environment for children and other road users. Implementing speed bumps and humps in school zones is a proactive step toward ensuring the safety of our most vulnerable pedestrians.

To learn more about how speed bumps and humps can enhance safety in school zones and to explore our range of high-quality options, visit Unimat Traffic.



Unimat Corporation

Unimat has emerged as a well established and leading manufacturer of speed bumps, cable protectors and parking blocks, with more than 30 years of experience.