If you read no further than this… Please stay home!

From Your Nurses: Three Things You Can Do to Help Us Right Now

RNPA Union
3 min readMar 24, 2020

We are nurses serving Santa Clara County’s public hospital system. And right now, we need your help.

Santa Clara is one of the hardest hit regions in California, and like many hospitals across the state and the country, our public hospitals are facing critical shortages of life-saving supplies. We care for many of our county’s most underserved community members, and without help local facilities could soon be overwhelmed.

We are calling on everyone in our community to chip in while there’s still time to save lives. Here are three easy things you can do right now to make a difference for us as we continue our work on the frontlines of this pandemic:

1. Stay at Home

For many of you, this will seem like a no-brainer. For everybody else, from our family to yours: for the love of God, please don’t leave your home unless it’s necessary. We are already seeing hospitals in other parts of the country receiving more patients than they can handle. ‘Bending the curve’ and lowering the rate of new infections here in Santa Clara County could save thousands of lives, but it can only be done if people stay at home and physically distance as Governor Newsom has now mandated.

Do it for us!

2. Help Us Secure Vital Safety Equipment

Our nurses and all of our hospital staff must keep their health in order to continue treating patients. Our hospitals must remain sanitary. Shortages of personal protective equipment like N95 masks, as well as household items like disinfecting wipes and sanitizing gel, put new patients at risk. And every day, we are seeing lots and lots of new patients. Please, if you have any of the following items at home, consider setting up a donation by emailing us at info@rnpa.net or calling us at (408) 292–6061 today.

  • Isolation gowns/bunny suits
  • N95 respirator masks
  • Surgical masks
  • Face shields
  • Disinfecting wipes
  • Sanitizing gel
  • Shoe covers

RNPA Nurses’ Union mailing address is 950 S. Bascom Ave, Suite 2120, San Jose, CA 95128. Office building hours are Monday through Friday, from 8:00am-5:00pm, and there is a donation box outside our suite that will be emptied regularly.

If you want to make a monetary donation, please donate to the COVID-19 Emergency Fund via Valley Medical Center Foundation by clicking here. They are accepting donations through via Apple Pay and Google Pay.

3. Share This with Family and Friends

Please spread the word. We can make it through this incredibly difficult time, but only if we come together. Anything you can do to support us is appreciated, even if that just means staying put at home and watching a good movie.

Please stay safe. We’re counting on you.


Your Santa Clara County Nurses



RNPA Union

Independent union fighting for the fair treatment of nurses and patients of Santa Clara County, CA. Together we are #RNPAStrong.