First Signs Of Pregnancy | Signs Of Early Pregnancy

7 min readApr 29, 2023

The first signs of pregnancy, this is a huge topic in itself. In this blog, we will focus on this topic. As such it can be both exciting and overwhelming to find out that you are pregnant. Apart from missing periods, there are other early signs of pregnancy that you should be aware of. Here are some early pregnancy indicators to look out for:

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First Signs Of Pregnancy

Pregnancy’s initial signs might differ from woman to woman, and not every woman will have the same symptoms. But a few of the most typical early signs of pregnancy include:

Period Missed, When you are pregnant, this is frequently the first and most evident indicator, especially if your periods are typically regular.

These signs, also referred to as morning sickness, can appear as early as two weeks after conception and persist all the way through the first trimester.

Your nipples may become more sensitive, and your breasts may feel sore, puffy, or tender.

As your body is working harder to support the developing foetus, it’s normal to feel more exhausted than usual in the early stages of pregnancy.

Due to pressure from the expanding uterus on the bladder, you could feel the need to urinate more frequently than usual.

Early in pregnancy, some women may suffer moderate cramps, spotting, or light bleeding, which is common.

Hormonal fluctuations can cause emotional sensitivity, mood swings, and irritation.

Only a pregnancy test can definitively determine whether a woman is pregnant because these symptoms can also be brought on by other causes. Make an appointment with your healthcare provider as soon as you think you might be pregnant so you can discuss your options and get the necessary prenatal care.

How Early Can You Take A Pregnancy Test

A pregnancy test can be used as early as a few days before your anticipated period, although the timing of the test can affect its accuracy. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a hormone produced by the placenta after a fertilised egg implants in the uterus, is the target of the majority of at-home pregnancy tests.

  • In general, one week following missing menstruation is the earliest you may take a pregnancy test and anticipate accurate results. If you take a pregnancy test before this window, you risk getting a false negative result, which would indicate that the test would come back negative even though you are actually pregnant. This is due to the possibility that the levels of hCG in your urine are too low to be detected by the test.
  • But some more recent pregnancy tests assert that they can identify pregnancy earlier, even before a missed menstruation. These tests might be more accurate and be able to find hCG in your pee a few days ahead of a missed period. For the most accurate results, it’s crucial to thoroughly follow the instructions and administer the test as directed.

You can wait a few days and take another pregnancy test if the first one comes back negative, but if you still think you might be pregnant, schedule an appointment with your doctor for a blood test, which can more accurately and earlier identify pregnancy.

Positive Pregnancy Test

Usually, a positive pregnancy test indicates that you are carrying a child. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a hormone that is present in urine, is the primary indicator used in the majority of at-home pregnancy tests. The placenta releases this hormone when a fertilised egg implants in the uterus.

  • It’s crucial to check with your healthcare practitioner to confirm the results of a home pregnancy test if they are positive. To confirm the pregnancy and identify how far along you are, your doctor can run a blood test on you.
  • Once the pregnancy has been confirmed, it’s crucial to begin prenatal care as soon as possible. Your healthcare provider may help you prepare for pregnancy, give advice on nutrition and exercise, and monitor both your and your unborn child’s health during the whole pregnancy.

Additionally, it’s critical to adjust your lifestyle as needed to support a healthy pregnancy. Examples include giving up smoking, alcohol, and some medications, as well as obtaining plenty of rest and exercise. Regarding your pregnancy, congratulations!

Symptoms Of Pregnancy

Pregnancy stages and individual women’s symptoms might affect how a woman feels during her pregnancy. But some typical signs of pregnancy include:

  • Missed period: If your cycles are typically regular, this is frequently the first indication of pregnancy.
  • Vomiting and nausea, sometimes known as morning sickness, are typical pregnancy symptoms that can happen at any time, but they are most prevalent in the first trimester.
  • Being weary more often than usual in the early stages of pregnancy is common since your body is working extra hard to support the developing foetus.
  • Breast changes: Your nipples may become more sensitive, and your breasts may feel sore, puffy, or tender.
  • Cramping and spotting: In the early stages of pregnancy, it’s common for some women to have slight cramping, spotting, or light bleeding.
  • Increased urination: The developing uterus puts pressure on the bladder, causing you to urinate more frequently than usual.
  • Mood swings: Hormonal fluctuations can lead to emotional sensitivity, mood swings, and impatience.
  • You can experience intense desires for or aversions to particular meals.
  • Constipation: Hormones associated with pregnancy may cause the digestive system to function more slowly.
  • Headaches: Especially during the first trimester, hormonal changes might result in headaches.

The only way to positively identify pregnancy is with a pregnancy test because it’s crucial to remember that these symptoms can also be brought on by other causes. Make an appointment with your healthcare provider as soon as you think you might be pregnant or start to feel any of these symptoms to discuss your options and obtain the necessary prenatal care.

Pregnancy Discharge

Women frequently notice an increase in vaginal discharge during pregnancy. Hormonal changes that result in an increase in blood flow and the generation of cervical mucus are to blame for this.

During pregnancy, the discharge should be milky white, thin, and have a slight odour. The second trimester of pregnancy is a common time for pregnant women to notice an increase in discharge.

Other warning signs to look out for include discharge that is green, yellow, or bloody, or that is accompanied by pain, cramping, or fever. Pregnant women need to maintain good hygiene by wearing clean, breathable clothing, avoiding douching, and avoiding using harsh soaps in the vaginal area.

False Positive Pregnancy Test

Although it is extremely unlikely, a false positive pregnancy test can occur. A chemical pregnancy, a faulty or expired pregnancy test kit, hCG-containing drugs, a recent miscarriage, or an abortion are just a few of the things that can cause a false positive result.

  • When fertilisation takes place but the pregnancy does not develop past the initial stages, it results in a chemical pregnancy. A pregnancy test may come out positive as a result of this, but the mother might miscarry shortly after.
  • A false positive pregnancy test result can also be caused by a faulty or expired pregnancy test kit. Always check the test kit’s expiration date before using it, and be sure to properly follow the directions.
  • A false positive pregnancy test can also be brought on by some hCG-containing treatments, such as some fertility meds. Before using a pregnancy test, make sure your healthcare professional is aware of any medications you are taking.
  • And finally, a recent abortion or miscarriage may cause a false positive pregnancy test. The body’s hCG levels may take some time to return to normal after a pregnancy is over. Even when the lady is no longer pregnant, this can result in a positive pregnancy test result.

It’s crucial to verify the outcome with a healthcare professional if you believe you received a false positive result. To determine if you are pregnant or not, they could use a blood test or an ultrasound.

Pregnancy Announcement

Regarding your pregnancy, congratulations! The moment you announce your pregnancy can be both joyous and memorable. Here are some pointers on how to announce a pregnancy:

  • Choose a memorable occasion: Consider a memorable experience you wish to share with your loved ones. This could occur at a family reunion, a formal event, or a social gathering.
  • Get inventive: There are a variety of inventive methods to announce your pregnancy. To share the news, you can make a video announcement, a personalised announcement card, or even a scavenger hunt.
  • Keep it easy: You can just tell your loved ones in person or over the phone if you prefer to keep things simple. This can be just as sentimental and special as a bigger announcement.
  • Think about social media: It’s a fantastic approach to informing more people about your pregnancy. You can make a specific pregnancy announcement post or upload a picture of your ultrasound.
  • Make it specific to you and your spouse by personalising your announcement. To make it genuinely distinctive, think about adding your own touches, such as your preferred colours or interests.

Keep in mind that there is no right or wrong method to announce your pregnancy. Sharing the news in a way that is special and meaningful to you is what matters most.


In conclusion, there are other early indications to watch out for even though a missed period is sometimes the first indication of pregnancy. Pregnancy symptoms include exhaustion, nausea, breast tenderness, cravings and aversions, mood fluctuations, spotting, and cramps. The best approach to finding out if you are pregnant and if you have pregnancy symptoms is to take a pregnancy test.

