Life Is Unfair And You Shouldn’t Let It Get To You. Here’s A Few Tips To Manage When Life Deals You A Bad Hand.

Unique Me
2 min readAug 10, 2022


We’ve all had situations happen to use in life that we deem “unfair”. We feel like we deserve nothing but the best in life and we should get it, whether we deserve it or not. We’ve also seen good things happen to “bad” people and wonder why/how someone who’s living a “bad” life could be more blessed than the ones living a “good” life. The truth is, life is not fair, it never has been and it never will be, but that does not mean you should stop being the “good” person that you are. Here’s a few tips to staying level headed when life deals you a bad hand.

  1. NEVER stress over the things you cannot change. It will only make you bitter and you won’t be able to enjoy life to the fullest. I know it may be hard for some, but it’s possible.
  2. DON’T let negative thoughts manifest, the moment a negative thought pops up in your head, counter it with positive thoughts.
  3. The universe is not picking on you. There’s over 7 billion people on earth, you’re not as important as you think you are. So chillout, life is not out to get you.
  4. Try to get out and enjoy yourself, whether it be with friends and family or just being outside enjoying nature. Do things that bring you joy.
  5. NEVER GIVE UP, no matter how unfair or “bad” life gets, just know, YOU ARE ENOUGH, YOU MATTER and the storm does not last forever!



Unique Me

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