Day by Day: How to Choose the Best Day to Publish Your Medium Post and Boost Your Readership

Writing Tips
5 min readMay 25, 2023


Photo by Ales Krivec on Unsplash

did you know that the day you publish your post can significantly impact your readership? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how to choose the best day of the week to publish your Medium post and boost your readership, ensuring maximum engagement and visibility.

The Importance of Timing

In the digital world, timing is everything. Publishing your content at the right moment can be the difference between a viral hit and a flop. This is especially true for Medium, where thousands of writers compete for readers’ attention every day.

By understanding the behavior of Medium readers and the platform’s algorithms, you can strategically choose the best day of the week to publish your post. This can help your content:

  • Get featured on the homepage
  • Rank higher in search results
  • Reach your target audience more effectively
  • Increase engagement (reads, claps, and comments)

Analyzing Medium’s Readership Trends

Before diving into the specific days of the week, let’s take a look at some general trends observed on Medium:

  1. Weekdays vs. weekends: Medium sees more traffic on weekdays than weekends. This is likely because people tend to have more free time to read articles during their work breaks or commutes.
  2. Morning vs. evening: Studies have shown that Medium readers are more active in the mornings, typically between 6:30 AM and 9:00 AM. This is when people are most likely to engage with content as they start their day.
  3. Lunchtime boost: There’s a spike in readership during lunchtime, usually from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM.

Now that we understand these broader trends let’s dive into the best day of the week to publish your Medium post.

Monday: The Fresh-Start Effect

Mondays are known for having a “fresh-start effect,” as people begin a new week with renewed motivation. This means that readers are more likely to engage with content that inspires, educates, or helps them set goals for the week ahead.

Moreover, Mondays are often the busiest days for Medium, as people catch up on articles they missed over the weekend. This makes it an excellent day to publish if you want to reach a large audience. However, keep in mind that increased competition might make it harder for your content to stand out.

Tuesday: The Optimal Choice

Various studies have found that Tuesday is the best day to publish on Medium. On Tuesdays, readership is still high, but there’s slightly less competition compared to Mondays. This makes it an ideal day to publish your post and maximize its visibility.

Additionally, Tuesdays tend to have the highest engagement rates, with more readers interacting with content through claps, comments, and social shares. This increased engagement can boost your post’s visibility in search results and recommendations, helping you reach an even larger audience.

Wednesday: The Midweek Opportunity

On Wednesdays, Medium sees a slight dip in traffic compared to the beginning of the week. However, this can work in your favor, as there’s less competition for readers’ attention. Publishing on Wednesday might give your content a better chance of standing out, especially if it’s high-quality and relevant to your target audience.

Furthermore, Wednesday is also a great day to publish if your content is related to current events or trending topics, as readers are more likely to engage with timely content midweek.

Thursday: The Slow Decline

As the week progresses, Medium’s traffic starts to decline. While Thursdays still see decent readership, there might be better days to publish depending on your content and target audience. However, if you have a loyal following, publishing on Thursday can still result in good engagement, especially if your content is evergreen and doesn’t rely on current trends.

Friday: The Last Chance

Fridays are the last opportunity to capitalize on higher weekday traffic before the weekend slump. While Fridays generally see lower readership compared to earlier in the week, it’s still a better option than publishing on the weekend. If you have a compelling piece that you believe will resonate with your audience, consider posting it early on Friday to maximize its reach.

Saturday and Sunday: The Weekend Slump

As mentioned earlier, Medium’s traffic significantly drops during the weekends. This makes it less ideal for publishing your content, as fewer people are online to read and engage with it. However, there are a few exceptions:

  1. Niche content: If your content targets a specific niche audience that might be more active during weekends, it could be worth publishing on Saturday or Sunday.
  2. Long-form content: If your post is a lengthy, in-depth piece that requires more time to read, the weekend might be a suitable time to publish, as readers might have more free time to engage with your content.

FinalThoughts: Finding the Best Day for You

While Tuesdays are generally considered the best day to publish on Medium, the optimal day for your specific content might vary. To maximize your readership, consider the following factors:

  1. Your target audience: Understand the habits and preferences of your readers. When are they most likely to be online and engaging with content? Tailor your publishing schedule accordingly.
  2. Content type: Tailor your publishing day based on the type of content you’re producing. For example, motivational content might perform better on Mondays, while current event pieces could resonate more on Wednesdays.
  3. Experimentation: Don’t be afraid to test different publishing days and times to find what works best for your content. Keep track of your engagement metrics to identify patterns and optimize your strategy.
  4. Consistency: No matter which day you choose, consistency is key. Publish regularly to keep your audience engaged and build a loyal following.

In conclusion, choosing the best day of the week to publish your Medium post is a combination of understanding general readership trends and tailoring your strategy to your specific content and audience. By being strategic and deliberate in your approach, you can boost your readership, increase engagement, and ultimately grow your presence on the Medium platform. Happy writing!



Writing Tips

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