How Wealthy People Make Money with Debt

Writing Tips
4 min readMar 6, 2023


Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

The idea of using debt to make money is a controversial one but it is a strategy that many wealthy people and corporations have used to build wealth and increase financial stability. by using borrowed funds they are able to make investments that they might not have been able to otherwise. While there are risks involved when done correctly using debt can be an effective way to generate significant returns on investment. In this article we’ll explore some of the most common ways that wealthy people and corporations make money with debt including leverage buyouts, real estate investments, investing in stocks and bonds, business expansion and refinancing existing debt. By understanding how these strategies work, you can determine whether using debt to make money is an appropriate strategy for your financial situation.

Leverage Buyouts (LBOs)

Photo by PiggyBank on Unsplash

Leverage buyouts (LBOs) are a popular way for wealthy people and corporations to use debt to make money by using borrowed funds to acquire a company with the aim of increasing its value and paying off the debt with the profits generated from the acquisition. The acquiring company’s assets and cash flows are used as collateral to secure the debt.

LBOs can be a high-risk strategy as they rely on the assumption that the acquired company will generate sufficient profits to pay off the debt. However when done correctly LBOs can be a highly effective way to generate significant returns on investment.

Real Estate Investments

Photo by Naomi Hébert on Unsplash

Real estate is another area where wealthy people use debt to make money which can involve buying and renovating properties to increase their value then renting them out to generate rental income. The rental income can be used to pay off the debt while the appreciation in the property’s value can provide a significant return on investment.

Investing in Stocks and Bonds

Photo by Gilly on Unsplash

Wealthy investors often borrow money to invest in stocks and bonds with the expectation of earning a higher return than the cost of borrowing. This strategy is known as margin trading and involves using securities held as collateral to secure the loan.

This strategy can be risky as it involves borrowing money to invest in securities that may not perform as expected. However when done correctly margin trading can be an effective way to generate significant returns on investment.

Business Expansion

Photo by Razvan Chisu on Unsplash

Companies may use debt to finance expansion plans such as opening new locations or acquiring new businesses. This can lead to increased revenues and profits which can be used to pay off the debt.

While this strategy can be effective it is important to ensure that the increased revenues and profits generated by the expansion are sufficient to pay off the debt. Otherwise the company may find itself in financial trouble.

Refinancing Existing Debt

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Wealthy people and corporations may use debt to refinance existing debt at a lower interest rate reducing the overall cost of borrowing and freeing up cash flow for other investments or expenses. This can be particularly beneficial during periods of low interest rates.

It is important to note that refinancing existing debt can be risky if the new loan has a longer repayment period or higher interest rate than the original loan. It is important to carefully consider the terms of the new loan and ensure that the savings generated by refinancing are worth the risks.


Using debt to make money is a strategy that has both risks and rewards. While it can be an effective way to build wealth and increase financial stability it is important to carefully consider the risks involved and ensure that the strategy is appropriate for your specific situation.

Whether through leverage buyouts real estate investments investing in stocks and bonds business expansion or refinancing existing debt wealthy people and corporations have used debt to generate significant returns on investment. By carefully considering the risks and rewards of these strategies you can determine whether using debt to make money is an appropriate strategy for your financial situation.

The content of this article was compiled by the author, and its text was edited with AI-assistance.



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