Medium Hack: Boost Your Visits by Staying Online Longer!

Writing Tips
Pen & Pixel
Published in
4 min readMay 7, 2023
Photo by 13on on Unsplash

There’s no denying that Medium has quickly become one of the most popular platforms for sharing content, ideas and stories. While most people understand the basics of how to use Medium there’s a hidden gem that not everyone knows: the longer you spend online on your Medium account the more visits you’ll get. In this article we’ll explore why this happens and how it can benefit your content.

Why Online Time Matters

The first question that comes to mind is why does the time spent online matter? To understand that we need to look at how Medium’s algorithm works. Medium’s primary goal is to surface the most relevant and interesting content to its readers. To achieve this they use a complex algorithm that takes into account a variety of factors including:

1. Reading time: The more time readers spend reading your articles the more the algorithm will favor your content.

2. Engagement: Likes, comments and shares all contribute to the algorithm’s perception of your content’s value.

3. Recency: Fresh content is more likely to be surfaced by the algorithm to keep the platform engaging and up to date.

Now, there’s another lesser known factor that Medium takes into account: the time the author spends online. This is because Medium wants to promote active users who are consistently posting and engaging with other users. When you spend more time online Medium’s algorithm perceives you as an active user and is more likely to show your content to others.

How Longer Online Time Benefits Your Content

There are several ways that spending more time online on your Medium account can boost your content visibility and increase your visits:

1. Increased engagement opportunities

The more time you spend online the more opportunities you have to engage with other users. This could include reading and responding to comments on your articles, following other writers and engaging with their content. The more you interact with others the more people will notice your profile and visit your content.

2. Better content curation

When you invest more time in your Medium account you can make better use of the platform’s features to curate content. This includes using relevant tags, creating series and organizing your articles effectively. These efforts make your content more discoverable and increase the likelihood that readers will find and engage with your work.

3. Improved writing skills

Spending more time on Medium also allows you to read and analyze other successful articles on the platform. This not only helps you stay informed about your niche but also helps you improve your writing skills. As your writing becomes more compelling your articles will attract more readers and visits.

4. Networking opportunities

Medium is a social platform and building relationships with other writers can lead to valuable networking opportunities. The more time you spend online the more chances you have to connect with influencers, collaborate on projects and gain valuable exposure for your content.

Your Action Plan for Medium Success

Now that you understand the power of spending more time online on your Medium account here’s a simple action plan to help you make the most of it:

1. Schedule your online time: Set aside a specific time each day for Medium related activities, like reading, writing and engaging with other users.

2. Focus on engagement: Make it a priority to respond to comments like and share other users’ content and participate in the Medium community.

3. Regularly post content: Consistency is key, so aim to publish new articles regularly to keep your audience engaged and attract new readers.

4. Curate your content: Use relevant tags, create series and organize your articles to make your content more discoverable.

5. Learn from others: Spend time reading successful articles and analyzing what makes them stand out to improve your writing skills.

6. Build relationships: Network with other writers, collaborate on projects and take advantage of opportunities to gain exposure for your content.

In Conclusion

Spending more time online on your Medium account can lead to a significant boost in visits and overall visibility. By engaging with other users, curating your content, improving your writing skills and building valuable relationships you can unlock the full potential of the platform and make your content stand out. So, dedicate time to Medium, be consistent and watch your success grow!

Remember the secret sauce for success on Medium is all about investing your time wisely and genuinely engaging with the platform and its community. With dedication and persistence you can achieve the visibility and recognition you deserve. Happy writing!



Writing Tips
Pen & Pixel

Hey there! I'm here to share my personal experiences on Medium and offer some help on how to succeed and flourish on this platform-Let's grow together!