Pros and cons of writing for Medium

Writing Tips
5 min readMar 9, 2023


The author created the image with the help of Midjourney.

Are you a writer looking to expand your reach and share your work with a larger audience? Look no further than Medium the platform that attracts millions of engaged readers every month. With the potential for exposure access to paid readers and a user-friendly interface Medium offers a variety of benefits for writers. But before you jump in it’s essential to consider the potential drawbacks including limited control and monetization options competition for readers’ attention and limited analytics. In this article we’ll explore the pros and cons of writing for Medium so you can decide if it’s the right platform for you

Pros of Writing for Medium:

1-Large and Engaged Community: Writing for Medium provides an opportunity to connect with a massive audience of engaged readers. As a writer you can tap into a diverse community of over 230 million monthly visitors who are hungry for high-quality content on a variety of topics. This can be a great way to build a following and attract readers to your work.

2-Exposure: Medium’s algorithm is designed to surface content that’s relevant to users’ interests so if you write compelling pieces that resonate with readers your work has the potential to get discovered by a wider audience. Additionally the platform’s “publications” feature allows you to submit your work to niche publications that cater to specific interests such as tech travel or personal development. This can be a powerful way to reach new readers who are interested in your area of expertise.

3-Access to Paid Readers: Medium’s Partner Program offers a unique opportunity to earn money from your writing. By participating in the program you can earn a portion of the revenue generated by paying subscribers who read your work. The amount you earn will depend on the number of reads your articles receive but some writers have reported earning hundreds or even thousands of dollars per month. For example freelance writer Michael Stelzner used Medium to publish a series of articles on social media marketing which generated over $5000 in revenue through the Partner Program.

4-User-Friendly Interface: One of the great things about Medium is how easy it is to use. The platform’s clean minimalist design makes it simple to write and format your articles and you can add images videos and other media to enhance the reader experience. This means you can focus on what you do best — writing high-quality content — without worrying about technical details or complex software.

5-SEO Benefits: Medium has a high domain authority which means that content published on the platform is more likely to rank well in search engines like Google. This can be a powerful way to attract new readers and build your audience over time. Additionally Medium’s content is optimized for SEO so your articles will be more likely to show up in search results for relevant keywords and phrases.

Cons of Writing for Medium:

1-Limited Control: When you publish on Medium you’re essentially renting space on someone else’s platform. This means you’re subject to Medium’s terms and conditions which could change at any time. Additionally Medium owns the rights to your content which means you can’t republish it elsewhere without their permission. This lack of control over your content can be frustrating for some writers who prefer to have more ownership over their work.

2-Limited Monetization Options: While the Partner Program is a great way to earn money from your writing it’s not the only monetization option available. For example if you’re a freelance writer you might prefer to sell your work directly to clients or pitch articles to other publications. Medium only offers one way to make money from your writing which may not be ideal for everyone. Additionally the revenue generated through the Partner Program can be unpredictable as it depends on the number of reads your articles receive. Some writers may prefer to have more control over their income and explore other monetization options.

3-Limited Branding Opportunities: When you publish on Medium your articles are presented in a uniform format that’s consistent with the platform’s overall design. This means you have limited opportunities to showcase your personal branding or visual style. While you can add your own images and formatting your articles may not have the same visual impact as they would on a self-hosted website or blog.

4-Competition: With millions of articles published on Medium every month it can be challenging to stand out from the crowd and attract readers to your work. This means you may need to spend time promoting your articles through social media or other channels to get noticed.

5-Not a Replacement for a Personal Website: While Medium can be a great platform for publishing your writing it’s not a substitute for having your own website or blog. By hosting your content on your own website you have more control over your branding monetization options and content. Additionally you can use your website to showcase your portfolio collect email addresses from readers and build a more personal connection with your audience.

In conclusion Medium can be a powerful tool for writers looking to connect with a large and engaged audience earn money from their writing and improve their search engine rankings. However it’s important to consider the potential drawbacks such as limited control competition and branding opportunities. Ultimately whether or not Medium is the right platform for you depends on your goals preferences and priorities as a writer. So if you’re ready to share your voice with the world and reach new readers give Medium a try but remember that it’s just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to building a successful writing career.



Writing Tips

Hey there! I'm here to share my personal experiences on Medium and offer some help on how to succeed and flourish on this platform-Let's grow together!