The Magic Number: How Often Should You Post on Medium?

Writing Tips
4 min readMay 9, 2023


Discover the optimal posting frequency to maximize your visibility and engagement on Medium, using data-driven insights and practical tips.

Photo by Jana Shnipelson on Unsplash

How often should you post on Medium to get the attention of the algorithm and maximize your reach?

In this article, we’ll dive deep into the optimal posting frequency, explore the intricacies of the Medium algorithm, and share valuable tips to make your content stand out. Let’s get started!

The Medium Algorithm: A Brief Overview

Before we discuss posting frequency, it’s essential to understand how the Medium algorithm works. Medium’s primary goal is to surface high-quality content that resonates with readers. To achieve this, the algorithm considers various factors such as:

  • Reading time: The amount of time a user spends reading your post.
  • Claps: The number of claps your post receives.
  • Comments: How many comments your post generates and the quality of those comments.
  • Shares: How often your post is shared on social media and other platforms.
  • Publication: Being featured in a prominent publication can boost your visibility.

With these factors in mind, let’s explore how posting frequency impacts your success on Medium.

The Magic Number: Posting Frequency Revealed

There is no “one-size-fits-all” answer to the ideal posting frequency. However, data-driven insights and anecdotal evidence suggest that posting 3–4 times per week is a sweet spot for most creators. Here’s why:

  1. Consistency: Publishing regularly shows the algorithm that you’re an active and consistent writer. This can improve your chances of being featured and help build a loyal readership.
  2. Experimentation: Posting multiple times per week allows you to experiment with different topics, formats, and styles. This can help you identify what resonates with your audience and refine your craft.
  3. Engagement: More posts mean more opportunities for readers to engage with your content, which can boost your visibility and credibility on the platform.

Keep in mind that quality should never be sacrificed for quantity. It’s better to publish one well-crafted piece per week than to post subpar content daily.

Tips for Optimizing Your Posting Schedule

Now that we’ve established the ideal posting frequency let’s explore some practical tips to make the most of your Medium presence.

1. Establish a Routine

Set a posting schedule that works for you and stick to it. Consistency is key for both the algorithm and your readers. Experiment with different days and times to find the optimal engagement window for your target audience.

2. Plan Your Content

Create a content calendar to plan your posts ahead of time. This can help you maintain a steady flow of high-quality content and avoid last-minute scrambles.

3. Repurpose and Update Content

Revive and repurpose older content by updating it with new information, insights, and visuals. This can save time and effort while keeping your profile fresh and relevant.

4. Leverage Analytics

Use Medium’s built-in analytics to track your post’s performance. Identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement to refine your posting strategy.

5. Engage with Your Audience

Respond to comments, clap for other writers’ work, and share your insights on relevant posts. This fosters a sense of community and can help increase your visibility and credibility on the platform.

Examples of Successful Medium Writers

Let’s explore a few examples of successful Medium writers who have mastered the art of posting frequency.

  • Benjamin Hardy: A prolific writer with over 300,000 followers, Benjamin posts 3–4 times per week on topics like personal growth, productivity, and psychology.
  • Zat Rana: Zat has built a following of over 210,000 readers by posting thought-provoking articles about philosophy, psychology, and personal development once or twice per week.
  • Nicolas Cole: With over 100,000 followers, Nicolas shares insights on writing, marketing, and personal growth. He posts around 2–3 times per week and regularly updates older content.

These examples demonstrate that a consistent posting schedule, combined with high-quality content, can yield impressive results on Medium.

In Conclusion

To maximize your success on Medium, aim to post 3–4 times per week while maintaining a high standard of quality. Embrace experimentation, leverage analytics, and engage with your audience to refine your posting strategy and make your content stand out.

Remember, your journey on Medium is unique. Stay true to your voice, learn from your experiences, and keep honing your craft to make the most of this powerful platform.



Writing Tips

Hey there! I'm here to share my personal experiences on Medium and offer some help on how to succeed and flourish on this platform-Let's grow together!