The Pros and Cons of Writing About Medium on Medium

Writing Tips
4 min readMay 6, 2023


Image made by Author

Medium has become a popular platform for writers, bloggers and thought leaders alike to share their ideas, stories and expertise. In this article we’ll explore the unique aspects of writing about Medium on Medium itself. We’ll delve into the details of the advantages and disadvantages of this approach providing examples and insights. So let’s dive in!


1. Self Referential Content

Writing about Medium on Medium offers a unique opportunity to create self-referential content. This type of content engages readers by providing insight into the very platform they’re using to consume the content. For example you can share tips and tricks on how to optimize a Medium post the best practices for engaging with readers or how the platform’s algorithm works. By doing so you’re providing valuable information to help your fellow Medium users improve their experience on the platform.

2. Establishing Authority

As a Medium writer discussing the platform itself can help establish your authority and expertise. By showing that you have a deep understanding of Medium’s features and nuances you present yourself as a knowledgeable and credible source for other users. This can lead to increased trust, engagement and even collaborations with other writers on the platform.

3. Building a Niche

Writing about Medium on Medium can help you build a niche audience interested in the platform’s inner workings, tips and best practices. This focused content can attract a loyal following of readers who appreciate your insights and look forward to your articles. By carving out a niche you can differentiate yourself from other writers and create a unique personal brand.

4. Catering to a Captive Audience

Since your content is hosted on Medium you’re guaranteed to have an audience that is already familiar with the platform. This means that your readers will likely have a vested interest in learning more about Medium and how to use it effectively. By writing about Medium on Medium you’re catering to a captive audience that is more likely to engage with your content.

5. Platform Specific Features and Updates

Medium is constantly evolving with new features and updates being rolled out regularly. By writing about these changes on the platform itself you can keep your readers informed and up to date. This can also create opportunities for evergreen content as you can update your articles to reflect the latest changes and maintain their relevance.


1. Limited Appeal

While writing about Medium on Medium can help you build a niche audience it may also limit your content’s appeal to a broader audience. Readers who are not interested in the platform or its intricacies may be less likely to engage with your content. This could potentially hinder the growth of your audience and limit your content’s reach.

2. Risk of Redundancy

There’s a risk of redundancy when writing about Medium on Medium as many other writers may be covering similar topics. To avoid blending in with the crowd, it’s crucial to find a unique angle or provide a fresh perspective on the subject matter. This may require more research and creativity but it’s essential for standing out and offering valuable insights.

3. Platform Dependency

By focusing your content on Medium you become dependent on the platform for your audience and engagement. If Medium experiences technical issues or changes its policies in a way that negatively impacts your content your online presence could be at risk. To mitigate this risk it’s essential to diversify your content across multiple platforms.

4. Overemphasis on Medium

Focusing too much on Medium could detract from your other areas of expertise or interest. If your content becomes too narrowly focused you may struggle to attract readers who are interested in your other passions or skills. Striking a balance between writing about Medium and other topics is essential for maintaining a diverse and engaging content portfolio.

5. Potential for Oversaturation

As more writers begin to write about Medium on Medium, there’s a risk of oversaturation. This could lead to reader fatigue as they may become less interested in content that solely focuses on the platform. To combat this it’s important to provide fresh, engaging and valuable insights that go beyond surface level discussions and offer real value to your readers.


Writing about Medium on Medium presents a unique opportunity to create self referential content that can help establish authority, build a niche audience and cater to a captive audience. However, it’s important to be aware of the potential downsides such as limited appeal, risk of redundancy, platform dependency, overemphasis on Medium and the potential for oversaturation. By striking a balance between writing about Medium and other topics you can create a diverse and engaging content portfolio that appeals to a wide range of readers.



Writing Tips

Hey there! I'm here to share my personal experiences on Medium and offer some help on how to succeed and flourish on this platform-Let's grow together!