In the Sahel, youth speak out!

UN Sahel
5 min readApr 30, 2019


A new year begins, bringing hope, happiness, and prosperity to the youth of the Sahel, one of the youngest regions in the world. Indeed, 64.5% of the population is under 25 years old.

The region is currently facing enormous challenges. However, a stable Sahel region, with a population of over 300 million souls and a growing urbanization trend, offers tremendous opportunities. Young people as well as women, are the priority audiences of the UN Support Plan for the Sahel.

What are the prospects for young people in the Sahel? Throughout interviews, young people from various Sahel countries have shared with us, perceptions of their region and their dreams for the future.

What image comes to your mind when we talk about the Sahel?

“The first image that comes to my mind when I think of the Sahel. Thorny trees … But it is also for me a set of countries that have climatic similarities, and are facing increasing security issues, the advance of the desert and migrations” Lassana, Mali

“When I think of my region, I see pastoralists behind their flocks, I see large desertic areas, wells and nomadic children going to school … The Sahel is also an immense territory of countries that share the same reality”. Aliou, Niger

What are the potentials of the Sahel?

“Our region is endowed with natural resources such as gold, phosphate, or uranium, which is exploited in Niger by foreign companies. What many do not know is that the Sahel has enormous water potential. But do our countries have the means to exploit this water to put it at the service of agriculture and the population? This is the big question”. Tidiane, Senegal

“It is extremely hot in the Sahel: this heat can be converted into renewable energy for the benefit of the population, as it is done in Morocco with the projects Noor I, II, III and IV. Wind can also be converted into wind energy to produce electricity. Why don’t we have such projects in our region”? Amy, Mali

What place for young people in the Sahel?

“It is necessary that we, young people set up our own projects. We must not expect the state to make us bosses. We can strive and think of projects that we can submit to donors for support. We have many assets in the Sahel, some areas of the world envy us!” Amadou, Guinea

“We can do more for us, young people. they can give us confidence and establish training and employment policies at our favor; in the job market. The public authorities can do more for our integration into society so that young people are not tempted by the adventure abroad”. Elimane, Senegal

Agriculture, a promising sector for young people?

“For me, agriculture is what makes the future of Africa. This is the sector that should be enhanced to provide jobs to the youth. When you cannot find a job after graduating, agriculture can be the solution. It can both provide employment and feed the population. I already have a horticultural project ready to be launched after my studies. I would like to set up a fruit production and processing industry in my region, in Thiès where mangoes are harvested twice a year”

Dieynaba, Senegal.

“I come from a peasant family and I will be proud to invest myself one day in the farming of these lands. Agriculture is a very promising sector for young people. The Sahel is essentially agro-pastoral. It is crossed by lakes and rivers where one can develop activities that will contribute to the local economy. With more modern techniques, it would be possible to cultivate cereals such as millet or sorghum over large areas by creating jobs and fighting illegal migration. Agriculture is certainly a lever to boost the economy in favor of the youth!” Badé, Senegal.

What are your ambitions for the development of the region?

“For my region, I go for eco-feminism. I would like to commit myself to the integration of women’s involvement in the management of a sustainable environment. In Senegal, women are often excluded from the environment sector and the feminist cause is not yet understood. As development actors, women should have a leading role. The role of the women’s associations is key because women can showcase their ideas and participate more in development projects”. Fatou, Senegalese

IBRAHIM THIAW, Special Adviser of the UN Secretary-General for the Sahel: “We must give hope and opportunity to young people to promote development in the Sahel”

The UN Support Plan for the Sahel, covering the period 2018–2030, will help implement six priorities including empowering women and youth to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 2063 Agenda of the African Union. This will include addressing the phenomena that prevent young people from reaching their full potential.

For more information, consult the UN Support Plan for the Sahel

A report produced in partnership with the Centre d’Études des Sciences et Techniques de l’Information (CESTI), a pan-African institute established in Dakar.

Texts, graphics and video: Team of the Office of the Special Adviser of the United Nations Secretary General for the Sahel (OSAS)

Photo Credits: © OSAS & © UNHCR



UN Sahel

Office of the UN Secretary General’s Special Adviser for the Sahel