Destiny Arms Day — Week 9

Phillip Jackson
6 min readNov 11, 2015


Well, it seems as though most all the guns offered this week have been offered before, with the expection of the Suros PDX-45 Pulse Rifle. I love this gun by the way, so I will be happy to go on about it.

Omolon Thesan FR4

Omolon Thesan FR4 — Fusion Rifle

This is a slow charge, high impact mid-range fusion rifle from Omolon. If you were a fan of the Plug One.1 (Crucible, HoW) or Purifier VII (New Monarchy, Dark Below), then this weapon is for you. Being completely honest, I did not use fusions a lot during Dark Below or HoW. This time around, during TTK, I find myself playing with them more and more. Although there were a few nerfs put in place to the higher impact fusions, they still seem fairly viable in the right situations. Very fun running around and firing from the hip, which is kinda how they are designed to be fired.

  • Charge Rate — 18 18/24
  • Impact — 94
  • Range — 38 28/38
  • Stability — 81 81/100
  • Reload — 68 68/96
  • Aim Assist — 60 60/65
  • Equip Speed — 56 56/106
  • Recoil Dir — 60
  • Zoom — 16
  • Magazine Size — 5 4/6

Go for perks that will help in the stability and reload department. Since this weapon has a max Aim Assist of only 5 points from it’s base, I am not sure if going for Hip Fire would be all that viable. Also, increasing either reload or range sounds like it would be a good strategy, since your only going to be giving up one shot.

Häkke Herja-D

This is a medium/slow rate of fire archetype pulse with many favorites in it’s company. Guns such as The Stranger Rifle (Vanilla), Bad Seed Down (Dark Below), 55A-allFate (HoW), Hopscotch Pilgrim (HoW), Apple of Discord (TTK) and Smite of Merain (Kills Fall).

  • Rate of Fire — 66
  • Impact — 14
  • Range — 33 54/66
  • Stability — 72 58/100
  • Reload — 68 54/96
  • Aim Assist — 50 50/55
  • Equip Speed — 45 40/95
  • Recoil Direct — 70
  • Zoom — 17 17/24
  • Magazine Size — 33

Pulse rifles have been a second favorite of mine, since patch 1.1.1. In HoW, they were taken to a new level with new weapons that showcased their given abilities so well. In PvE, they work really well and have become to new meta-standard in PvP. Currently, when I am not running my Titan exclusive, I am running a Apple of Discord that I have infused up to 262 and plan on taking it as far as I can. It is truly a solid weapon. The Herja-D is a variant of the AoD, with slightly less range, more stability and aim assist. I don’t know if I would pick this weapon over any of the others, but that might be because I have AoD. If you are looking to experiment with some of the new pulses, in this expansion, you cannot go wrong choosing this one.

Hakke Lyudmila-D

Hakke Lyumila-D — Pulse Rifle

The Lyudmila-D is a slow firing, high impact pulse rifle. It is of the same archetype as some famous head spliters, such as The Messenger, Three Little Words and Spare Change.25. This archetype pulse is a great mid-range weapon to use in the Crucible. It can two shot a Guardian, within range, no matter what.

  • Rate of fire — 59
  • Impact — 30
  • Range — 63 51/75
  • Stability — 54 40/82
  • Reload — 51 37/79
  • Magazine — 33
  • Aim assistance — 30 30/35
  • Equip Speed — 25 20/75
  • Recoil direction — 70
  • Zoom — 17 17/24

What sets this weapon apart from it’s formidable predecessors? Not a whole lot. For a lot of people that love this archetype pulse rifle, that is a good thing. The closest match to this monster is The Messenger. It has the same range and stability as Sparechange.25. It has a slower base reload than any of the others and that might be the only thing that it has going against it. But, nothing that a good pair of gloves can’t fix. Although this may not be a PvE master, it will wreck — in the right hands of a faithful Crucible player.

Suros PDX-45

Suros PDX-45 — Pulse Rifle

The Suros PDX-45 is medium to high rate of fire, low impact pulse rifle. It is the OEM variant of the Hawksaw, which can be obtained from the Crucible Quarter Master and almost everyone is running these days. It will probably blow a few minds when I say that the PDX-45 actually has better base stats than the Crucible vendor variant. Versions of this weapon, from the past include The Conduit (FWC), Aegis of the Kell (Prison of Elders) and Time On Target (Crucible Quarter Master).

  • Rate of fire — 73
  • Impact — 7 7/8
  • Range — 22 15/61
  • Stability — 75 47/100
  • Reload — 90 62/100
  • Aim Assist — 70 70/75
  • Equip Speed — 71 66/121
  • Recoil Direction — 50
  • Zoom 17 17/22

So, your asking yourself, “Self, why should I worry about this weapon? I already have a Hawksaw and I love it.” And if I were to reply to “yourself”, I would say, “Fine. Don’t worry about it.” But, at the same time, the vendor does not always have a great roll on a weapon. Sure, every now and then they do. This will just give you another shot at a great weapon. And, although the min/max values of the PDX-45 do not differ greatly from the Hawksaw, it does have slightly better base stats. Why do I keep bringing that up? It gives the weapon more flexibility in how you can use the weapon, base on it’s perk rolls. Either way, it is a great weapon in Crucible and I love using it in Patrols as well. It’s just a fun gun. Get it!

Hakke Strongbow-D

This Hakke shotgun is a medium rate of fire, medium impact shotgun that has some love and dislike throughout the community. It is in the same archetype as Hard Luck Charm, Hide and Seek-42 and The Comedian. It is the exact same weapons as The Next Big Thing and Dead Orbits Patch-A. Each has slightly different stats, of course. If you have not laid your hands on either of these weapons — to give you an idea of how this weapon handles and feels, look no further than the test weapon that you have gotten to kill Hive with. If you like that weapon, then you will like this one. It is very viable in PvE, so if you are looking for a decent shotgun there then pick this up.

  • Rate of Fire — 23
  • Impact — 50 50/55
  • Range — 10 2/25
  • Stability — 56 44/100
  • Reload — 33 19/60
  • Magazine Size — 5
  • Aim Assist — 55 40/65
  • Equip Speed — 58
  • Recoil Direction — 60
  • Zoom — 12


Looks like a pretty blah Arms Day, with the exception of the Suros PDX-45. As long as they can continue to sprinkle new weapons in, I think Arms Day will still be a valid weekly attraction. When things start repeating over and over? I don’t know how much attention it will garner. For my thoughts on what they could do to spice things up, take a look at my article The Future Looks Bright for Banshee-44 where I outline some things I would like to see happen with Banshee. Until next time Guardians!



Phillip Jackson

Copier/Network Tech by day, web developer/gamer by night.