How to claim your UBTC by signing a message — Hshare wallet users only

3 min readApr 19, 2018


1. Sign in with your account and password on

2. Select “Claim UBTC as other cryptocurrency holder”.

3. Select HSR, enter wallet address, click “Claim UBTC”.

4. Select “Sign a message”.

5. Now you will see this page which requires you to enter your signature. Copy the address and message displayed on this page.

6. Click “Sign message” on the menu bar in the HShare wallet

7. Paste the address and verification amount and click on the Sign Message button.

8. Copy the generated message and paste it in the UB signature message box.

9. Verification should now be complete!

Additional information:

If you accidentally close the browser and are unable to complete the whole verification process or you want to confirm you conducted the process correctly then please follow the following instructions;

1. Sign in with your account and password on Select “Withdraw UBTC”.

2. If the verification status is unverified then the process is not complete and you must conduct the remaining processes. If it is verified, then nothing else is required.

3. Copy the address and verification amount.

4.Click on sign Message on the menu bar in your HShare wallet.

5. Paste the address and verification amount from 3. and click on the Sign Message button.

6. Copy the generated message and paste it in the UB signature message box.

7. Your verification should now be complete!

