Spring into Action: How to Tell When Your Garage Door Springs Need Replacement

2 min readApr 20, 2024


Garage door springs are vital components of your garage door system, responsible for lifting and lowering the heavy door safely and smoothly. Over time, these springs can wear out due to constant use and exposure to the elements, leading to potential safety hazards and operational issues. In this article, we’ll discuss how to identify signs that your garage door springs need replacement and the importance of timely action to ensure the continued functionality and safety of your garage door.

Signs Your Garage Door Springs Need Replacement:

Visible Wear and Tear: Inspect your garage door springs for signs of wear, such as rust, corrosion, or fraying. Any visible damage indicates that the springs are nearing the end of their lifespan and should be replaced.

Difficulty Opening or Closing: If you notice that your garage door is struggling to open or close smoothly, it could be a sign that the springs are losing their tension. This can result in uneven movement or jerking motion when operating the door.


Loud Noises: Listen for any unusual sounds coming from your garage door when it’s in motion, such as grinding, popping, or banging noises. These noises could indicate that the springs are worn out or damaged and need replacement.

Door Doesn’t Stay Open: If your garage door doesn’t stay open or starts to close unexpectedly, it could be due to faulty springs. Weak or worn-out springs may struggle to support the weight of the door, causing it to close prematurely.

Sagging Sections: Inspect the sections of your garage door for any signs of sagging or unevenness. Sagging sections could indicate that the springs are no longer providing adequate support and need to be replaced.

Taking Action: If you notice any of these signs, it’s essential to take action promptly to address the issue before it escalates into a more significant problem. Ignoring worn-out or damaged garage door springs can lead to safety hazards, such as sudden door failure or injury to people or property.

Contact a Professional: Garage door spring replacement is not a DIY task and should be left to trained professionals. Attempting to replace garage door springs yourself can result in serious injury or further damage to your garage door system. Instead, contact a reputable garage door repair company to inspect your springs and perform any necessary replacements.

