How to Find Tariff Code or HS Code

unity chakma
3 min readJan 13, 2020


The HS code or tariff code is a group of numbers assigned according to an internationally standardized classification system that categorizes goods shipped in an import or export.

The official term comes from the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System , more popularly known as the Harmonized System.

What is The Tariff Code For

The goods are assigned the tariff code according to the nature, type of product and their function. This code is used to determine the taxes and tariffs that the importer or exporter has to pay.

The importance of HS Codes or tariff codes is crucial given the enormous volume of goods that are transported to all points of the globe and the different names that each product receives in different countries.

Therefore, its main mission is to unify the classification of products to facilitate:

  • The international identification of the products
  • The calculation of tariffs and taxes to be paid for the product in a country during customs clerance.

Introduced in international trade for the first time in 1988, the tariff codes were developed by the World Customs Organization, an intergovernmental organization based in Belgium.

Evolution of The Tariff Codes

With the evolution of international trade and the globalization of goods, HS codes have undergone numerous changes, including revisions of the classification in 1996, 2002, 2007, 2012, and the most recent, in 2017.

Today, the HS code system is used in more than 200 countries worldwide and it is estimated that more than 98% of the goods sent to other countries are classified under the harmonized system.

The data collected during the international merchandise exchange under this system helps to record and analyze international trade movements.

HS Codes by Geographical Area

Different countries or areas can categorize their products more specifically by adding more digits at the end of the HS code.

In this sense, the term “HS code” may refer to internationally standardized 6-digit codes or to codes of products of some countries that are also called HS codes.

However, not all country-specific HS codes have 6 digits. Some add digits to classify products in greater detail. Thus, tariff codes with seven, eight, nine or ten digits can be found.

For example, the HS code of Singapore has eight digits, while that of Japan has nine digits.

But regardless of the number of digits that have HS codes, the first six are always fixed and standardized, since they are based on the classification determined by the WCO.

Consult The Tariff Code

Given the resulting potential delays and extra costs that may occur in case the information included in the bill of lading or packing list is not accurate, it is absolutely crucial that you ensure that the tariff code listed in these documents is correct.

To begin, you will need to know where to Find The HS Code of your product. You can find many online tools to find the HS code of a product, but we recommend using the search tool on the WCO website itself .

A good alternative would be the search engine for HS international trade codes of the United Nations website.

