Challenges New Immigrants Face in Canada


Top 5 Challenges Faced By New Immigrants In Canada And How to Overcome Them

Navigating Life in Canada: A Guide for Newcomers

Navigating the Process of Acquiring Permanent Residency in Canada from India Poses the Initial Hurdle of Departing from Your Homeland and Beloveds. While Grappling with this Reality, You Encounter Fresh Obstacles Associated with Relocating to a Completely Unfamiliar Nation.

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Upon Arrival in Canada, Newcomers Confront a Spectrum of Challenges, Spanning from Securing Suitable Accommodation to Surmounting Linguistic Barriers and Battling Feelings of Isolation. Recognizing the Gravity of these Trials, We’ve Outlined the Top Five Hardships You Might Encounter Upon Your Arrival in Canada, Along with Strategies to Address Them.

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5 Challenges Faced By New Immigrants in Canada & Strategies for Coping With Them

Housing Challenges

Housing Challenges

The Primary Concern for Immigrants Upon Arrival in Canada Involves Securing Housing. While Some Individuals Navigate this Task with Relative Ease, Others Struggle to Find Adequate Accommodation, Whether with or without Family.

Strategies for Coping:

Numerous Online Platforms Facilitate the Search for Accommodation in Canada, Such as Zumper, PadMapper, and Additionally, Perusing the Classifieds Section of Local Newspapers or Online Listings Can Be Beneficial. Bulletin Boards at Grocery Stores, Laundromats, Community Centers, and Libraries Often Feature Housing Notices.

Alternatively, Enlisting the Assistance of a Reputable Immigration Consultant Can Streamline the Process of Securing Housing in Canada. Failing that, A Simple Web Search for Available Services in Your Vicinity May Prove Fruitful. Consider Exploring Compass to Connect, a Government-Endorsed Website Designed to Assist Individuals in Locating Settlement Services Across Canada.

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Overcoming the Language Barrier

Language Barrier

Once again, language can pose a significant obstacle when you initially relocate to Canada from India. Even if you’ve passed the language proficiency test as part of your PR application, you may still struggle to comprehend English or French, particularly in a professional setting. The accent variations further complicate the understanding of spoken language.

Canadian employers typically favor candidates fluent in either of the official Canadian languages, often listing this as a crucial requirement in job postings.

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Strategies for Coping:

The Canadian government provides language training services designed to address various language needs, encompassing general language skills, job-specific language proficiency, and more. As a PR holder or protected person, you might qualify to participate in programs like Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) and Cours de langue pour les immigrants au Canada (CLIC) to enhance your language proficiency.

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Seeking Employment


As an immigrant, you encounter hurdles in having your qualifications recognized and securing meaningful employment. Nevertheless, Canada boasts a workforce of over 20 million actively engaged individuals, with immigrants comprising 25% of the labor force.

Strategies for Coping:

Expanding your professional network is paramount to job-hunting success in Canada. This approach grants access to unadvertised job opportunities. Utilize platforms like LinkedIn to forge connections with professionals and hiring managers, and to explore job openings. Engage with industry experts to glean insights and advice, propelling your professional journey forward.

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Explore the employment-focused resources provided by various Canadian settlement programs. These services not only assist in job search endeavors but also offer support in resume crafting, conducting mock interviews, and attending networking events. Remarkably, 78% of individuals availing themselves of these services successfully integrate into the Canadian job market.

Adapting to Cold Weather and Snow

Cold Weather and Snow

It’s undeniable that Canada ranks among the world’s coldest nations, presenting a significant adjustment for many newcomers. Harsh winters, characterized by heavy snowfall in certain regions, coupled with cold temperatures and shortened daylight hours, pose challenges to outdoor activities and overall well-being.

Strategies for Coping:

Newcomers are advised to invest in winter attire readily available in Canada, including jackets, coats, gloves, hats, scarves, thermal wear, insulated jackets, and waterproof boots. Taking preventive measures such as receiving a flu shot can mitigate illness risk, as recommended for individuals aged six months and above.

Combatting Social Isolation

Social Isolation

Immigrating to a new country entails adapting to unfamiliar surroundings, people, and cultural norms, often leading to feelings of isolation and loneliness. It’s a common experience as every immigrant undergoes an adjustment period.

Strategies for Coping:

Canada’s diversity offers opportunities to connect with individuals from diverse backgrounds, providing a sense of familiarity in a new environment. Engage with fellow immigrants and locals to foster connections and cultural exchange, alleviating feelings of isolation.

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Additionally, Canada provides comprehensive settlement services to facilitate immigrants’ integration, with a 2021 survey indicating that 61% of participants found it easier to assimilate into Canadian society with the aid of such services. Moreover, 92% expressed feeling welcomed by their communities, with 90% developing a strong sense of belonging to Canada.

Need Professional Help?

Should you aspire to immigrate to Canada from India, reach out to the experienced professionals at Universal Adviser, renowned as one of Delhi’s best Canada immigration consultancy firms. Whether you seek employment opportunities, affordable housing solutions, or other essentials, our dedicated team pledges comprehensive support from inception to your safe settlement in Canada.

Embark on a complimentary consultation session to identify the optimal pathway tailored to your unique circumstances. For more information you can drop us a mail at or give us a call on +91–730–345–0222 and speak to our experts directly.



Universal Adviser Migration Services PVT. Ltd.

Universal Adviser Migration Services is one of India’s best immigration consultants providing tailored strategy and dedicated RCIC.