A.I. in the real world: Hazard or Advancement?

The Universal Hypothesis
4 min readMar 31, 2023


From iconic films like “2001: A Space Odyssey” and “The Terminator” to more recent works like “Ex Machina” and “Her,” popular culture has long been fascinated with the idea of artificial intelligence (AI) spiraling out of control and dominating humanity. While these scenarios are often far-fetched and dramatized for entertainment purposes, they do underscore the growing importance of understanding the potential risks and benefits of AI in our daily lives. AI holds the potential to revolutionize various aspects of our lives, including healthcare, transportation, education, and finance. With the rapid development and deployment of AI systems, there is a growing emphasis on recognizing their benefits as well as addressing potential risks and threats to humanity.

A significant concern regarding AI is it tends to perpetuate and intensify existing biases and discrimination. Since AI systems are only as impartial as the data they are trained on, biased or discriminatory data can lead to AI systems propagating these biases, potentially harming certain individuals or groups. This issue is especially pertinent in healthcare, where AI systems might reinforce biases in medical diagnoses or treatment recommendations, resulting in unequal patient outcomes.

Another notable risk posed by AI is the challenge of accountability when things go awry. AI systems are often designed to learn and adapt autonomously, without direct human intervention. Consequently, when these systems make harmful decisions or cause damage to humans or the environment, assigning responsibility can be difficult. This lack of accountability is particularly worrisome in situations involving autonomous weapons, self-driving cars, or even law enforcement, where AI systems may contribute to harm or accidents with no clear attribution to any individual or organization. For instance, AI-driven surveillance and facial recognition technologies used in law enforcement can lead to false identifications or biased enforcement practices, making it crucial to maintain human oversight and vigilance. Neglecting the need for human control and awareness in these systems could result in unintended consequences and a loss of trust in vital public institutions.

Furthermore, over-reliance on AI systems, especially in fields like healthcare where the stakes are high, presents a risk. Excessive dependence on AI may lead healthcare professionals or patients to neglect critical thinking skills or overlook alternative problem-solving approaches. This concern is highly relevant for AI-powered medical devices, such as insulin pumps equipped with AI algorithms that adjust insulin doses based on blood glucose levels. While these devices offer valuable insights and automation, they should not replace critical thinking or medical expertise.

Consider a diabetic individual who relies on an AI-powered insulin pump. This pump employs a wireless sensor to continuously monitor the person’s blood glucose levels, using algorithms to make reasonably accurate predictions for the subsequent half-hour. The pump then automatically adjusts the insulin dosage to minimize high or low blood sugar episodes. Although this system offers valuable support, human oversight and intervention remain crucial in case of technical issues or emergencies. Additionally, it is important for patients to be well-versed in traditional treatment methods without AI, as over-reliance on AI technology could lead to the risk of “forgetting” these essential skills. Maintaining a balance between utilizing AI assistance and retaining knowledge of conventional treatments is key to ensuring optimal patient outcomes.

Despite these potential drawbacks, it is vital to recognize the numerous benefits AI systems provide. AI-powered medical devices can enhance patient outcomes and overall quality of life, as illustrated in the insulin pump example. Furthermore, AI systems can aid in addressing pressing global issues such as climate change and pandemics by offering insights and solutions that would be challenging or impossible to obtain through traditional methods.

To mitigate the risks and threats of AI, responsible development and implementation are crucial. This includes taking measures to ensure the safety, reliability, and effectiveness of AI systems, as well as providing transparency and accountability in their use. Moreover, ongoing monitoring, evaluation, and feedback are essential to ensure that AI systems continue to meet the needs of users and minimize risks. However, it is equally important to recognize and address the potential for human misuse or abuse of AI systems, such as overriding AI decisions based on racism or personal biases. Developing guidelines, regulations, and ethical frameworks that promote fairness and prevent biased human interventions is a vital step in managing this challenge. By fostering a culture of responsibility and ethics among AI developers, users, and regulators, we can work towards striking a balance between the power of AI and the need for human oversight, ensuring that AI systems are used safely and effectively for the betterment of humanity.

In summary, while AI harbors the potential to transform our lives in myriad ways, it also presents significant risks and challenges. By acknowledging these concerns and appreciating AI’s potential benefits, we can strive towards responsible development and deployment of AI systems. Ultimately, this will enable us to use AI safely and effectively for the greater good of humanity.

In conclusion, the responsible development and implementation of AI systems are crucial in ensuring their safe and effective use for the betterment of humanity. We’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic. How do you think AI will impact our lives in the future, and what steps can we take to ensure its responsible development? Share your insights, experiences, or questions in the comments section below, and let’s continue the conversation.



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