432 Hz: The God Note in Music

Universal Intelligence
4 min readFeb 15, 2016


by Alpha One

Originally published at universalintelligence.space on February 15, 2016.

Have you ever noticed that you’re more pumped up with particular types of music and slow to focus with other ones? It has been repeatedly debated on which frequency produces the perfect tune. Between, 440 Hz and 432 Hz, the debate continues today.

It has been known that even in ancient times, musical instruments were created with the 432 Hz frequency. This was most preferred above any others as it created a soothing sound, calming the senses of anyone who listened in. Historians have found ancient lyres and wind instruments used by the Greeks and Egyptians to have been tuned to 432 Hz. The lyres were an important part of the culture used in ceremonial worship, that was said to arouse compassion and good thoughts in people. The frequency was changed during ceremonies before the war to install strength and bravery in its soldiers.

The 440 Hz Conspiracy

The same is said during the Nazi reign. Ever heard of the conspiracy that the Nazi standardised the frequency of music in the entire world ? This is said to be used as a mind control technique as initiated by The Rockefeller Foundation and the illuminati. It was promoted by Joseph Goebbels, the German minister of Propaganda during Hitler’s reign. By the time WWII was over, 440 Hz became the standard followed by musicians until today.

Psychologically, experts found that music appeals to human emotions. It has a certain effect on the brain and transcends a person’s feelings, perceptions and consciousness in that moment. Sigmund Freud’s theories became handy in establishing what the illuminati found to be useful in promoting mass hysteria and mind control.

Today, if one can notice the millions of ads sprouting everywhere, everything is tailored to mesmerise and influence our desires over things. Advertisers have mastered the art of seduction that the most influential brands in the market today are being promoted by a powerhouse of artists believed to be recruited by the illuminati. The most memorable ads have an enchanting soundtrack that replays in our minds even after watching or listening to it. This tune plays on a high frequency known as the 440 Hz.

[Read: How Emotions Move Our Reality]

But wait, how about this frequency they call the God Note?

The God Note in music is said to be the frequency 432 Hz. When we listen to music played at this tune, it brings out this calm feeling coupled with a great outlook in life. It is said to take after a God-like voice, so serene that it touches the soul in different depths. It vibrates kindness, love, compassion and emotions all in its perfect light.

Unlike the 440 Hz frequency which demands urgency and is more helpful when working, creating a productive environment to the listener, 432 Hz encourages reflection, selflessness, service to others thus paving the way for community building.

The world is filled with different kind of distracting noise. Sometimes, silence can become a sanctuary and often referred to as peaceful yet other times can also become the cause for anxiety. The world is just too crowded with unnecessary details. While listening to 440 Hz music intensifies or leaves it the way it is, the God Note relieves the tension built up from these noises.

In a Cognitive Neuropsychiatry study conducted by German psychologists, they used individualised neuroactive music therapy to investigate its effects on the brain with patients diagnosed with psychoticism, paranoia, anxiety, phobic anxiety and somatisation. Mozart was one of the key pieces used in the experiment which is believed to provide the brain with music for comfortable listening and to improve the performance incertain mental tasks, for example, spatial–temporal reasoning (Campbell,1997; Steeleet al.,1999; Tomatis,1991).

The study used music with the old French pitch of 432 Hz which the proponents believe corresponds to the harmonic ratio of natural body rhythms including electrical activities of the brain as measurable with our metabolism, breathing, pulse, and other bodily functions.

It concluded that the “Mozart effect” changed the mood of the patients enhancing brain-rhythm synchronization that alleviated psychotic, anxiety and phobic symptoms.

[Read: Karma: The Law That Supports Our Actions]

The God Note

Indeed, the God Note is called as such because it relieves the stressed and finds the lost. So if this is the case, our standard in music should be divided into two: one that is progressive and the other for reflecting and relaxation.

Don’t you think? What are your thoughts on this?



Universal Intelligence

A brain vomit about our universe. Metaphysics, Human Consciousness, Quantum Physics, Unusual Phenomenon