The Order in Chaos Theory

Universal Intelligence
6 min readNov 12, 2015


by Alpha One

In the human world, we always fantasize about being able to tell what’s in store for us. We’re more comfortable with predictability. Menus are catalogued with their prices so we can skim through it to find something we like or we’re comfortable with. We lean towards what’s familiar and what feels safe. If not, once we see something outside the ordinary, we immediately see red flags. We check the weather before embarking on our travels, trying to see a glimpse of what we need to expect.

Then again, the universe is filled with happy accidents, surprises, and unpredictability. This sums up the theory that is known as chaos.

Freud believed that human experiences emerge from past experiences based on linear cause and effect. The Chaos Theory negates this belief as it dictates that nature is created out of a sum of many tiny pulsating objects that we now know as patterns. This means that we can only see the truth in what appears at the moment but can never expect to pinpoint with accurate reference to what is about to come. We then, cannot rely on past experiences to predict what will happen next in our lives.

A great example is the weather updates broadcasted in the news. These are merely approximations. Notice how it says sunny 2 days before you check the weather for that day and it swiftly changes that day bringing in thunderstorms? It doesn’t matter if calculations are up to 6 or 7 decimal points, so as long as we are dealing with nature, it remains unpredictable. This is justified by the Uncertainty Principle, which rejects accuracy in all its form. This is the reason why systems are called complex because they are unsolvable by either the human mind or any super computer.

[Read: Einstein’s Theory of Relativity]


The phenomenon that is the universe is quantified through numbers. And like what makes up the universe, numbers are likened to those that build the human world. Prime numbers are likened to atoms as it is the basic unit of the sequence. The rest of the numbers, namely composites are built out of primes.

Although numbers are intangible, they help us build the world that is tangible for us humans. It helps us measure the amount of truth we want to dissect, even if it is an approximation and not quite the accurate truth we want to proclaim. Infinity proves that the level of truth we uncover as humans are just on the surface as there is an infinite amount of truths between the numbers 1 and 2. This is what the principle of Randomness infers. In the human world, accuracy is only but an approximation. Mathematics cannot fully define in detailed accuracy most truths. Numbers can only do so much and it loses its assembly when confronted at the quantum level.

[Read: Sacred Geometry: How It Builds Your Reality]


We love fortune tellers for giving us insight into the possible future. While math too can give us a peek into our future’s possible outcomes. It is measured through approximations, meaning it is nearly almost accurate but not quite.

Complex systems are measured in the form of attractors. A good complex system to measure is human emotions. Everything runs on a cycle: we feel happy, then we find something that depresses us, we try to regain our strength and sanity by choosing to focus on other things. We find happiness in our pursuits and then we find something that makes us sad or lonely again. It’s a vicious cycle they say. But we reach a point where we are in complete openness and understanding of what we’re going through and stay still to embrace it. That moment is called an attractor.

An Attractor represents a state to which a system finally settles (Abarim). It is a moment of equilibrium.

Another measurement is called a strange attractor. It is another vicious cycle that can never quite be tamed. It can be likened to a serial dater who goes out on dates: he meets good-natured women, try a relationship for a while, finds no satisfaction in it, tries to date again, try to convince himself he has met a good match, try a relationship and make it work out the best he can but can never seem to keep it together. So he goes on that vicious cycle; of finding the right fit, of searching endlessly, of failing miserably but still try it again, almost always just forcing it even if he knew it was not going to work out. A strange attractor is the opposite of an attractor. It follows the same vicious pattern, only without stopping at all.

Imagine that these are theories in mathematics. You would never have thought that it mirrors human experience at all!

Another great principle of the Chaos Theory is Self-Similarity. This explains how nature mimics its own shape and form to create something nearly identical to the original form.

Self-similarity is the repetition of a shape, form or behavior on different levels of complexity. Not as an identical copy, but as a variation of the same basic shape (Abarim).

No wonder we have doppelgangers and people that remind us so much of someone we know. But these people are displaced in other parts of the world that it is by timely chances that either one could bump into each other. This phenomenon is caused by Mixing, another principle in the Chaos theory that separates two adjacent points in a complex system in different sometimes opposite parts of the world. Turbulence plays a significant role in the universe because it causes two similar, almost duplicate objects to be separated. It is the same in both metaphorical and actual activities in life.

The Incomplete Truth as told by Godel

Kurt Godel developed the Incompleteness Theorem that challenged how we look at the truth. He believed that no system, not even a system of logic, can identify or fully express the truth about our world. That is true, though, as until today all men of science still try to decode how the world was brought to life and whether the chicken or the egg came first from the other.

When determining our own desires for ourselves, we often struggle to define the truth of what makes up our dreams with exact detail. We have approximations of what it would be, but like Socrates, we are only able to define what we don’t want in much detail compared to what we truly want.

[Read: The Role of Our SuperConscious Mind In Claiming Our Dreams]

A Never-Ending Pattern

There’s only forever changing now. That is proven in fractals, which are complex patterns that display self-similarity characteristics and are infinite in nature. These are images of the ever-changing systems that attractors try to measure. It defines chaos in all its form. All of the mentioned principles combined make up fractals. Therefore, fractals make up a familiar face, the indefinite truth, found in different parts of the world, separated by turbulence from its adjacent points, the unending cycle a serial dater follows and the total acceptance of the life we have chosen to live. But it does not stop there because the world continually changes and evolves. Fractals are the never ending patterns of what make up our world and our reality.

Order in Chaos

An important reflection we can learn from The Chaos Theory is the ever-changing flow of life. We cannot live a life with expectant eyes only to find we’ve failed at predicting certain outcomes. This is often the cause of our heartbreak. We should stop living a life that feels safe. To know what comes next at every turn is not how life wants to be lived. There’s an infinite amount of possibilities in between the plans and pursuits we dream up in our own realities. They are called OUR realities because we build them with our minds equipped with our own truths.

The truth is singular. It means we believe what we want. So if this is the case, the life we have been living is the life we have chosen for ourselves because it is what we believe we deserve. In the event that we find ourselves longing for another kind of life, we can weave it into the wonderful chaos that is our reality.

There is so much to be grateful about chaos, because what’s the point of dreaming if we knew exactly when our dreams would come true?

Originally published at on November 12, 2015.



Universal Intelligence

A brain vomit about our universe. Metaphysics, Human Consciousness, Quantum Physics, Unusual Phenomenon