Want to work in quantum computing? Here are 4 tips every candidate needs to know…

Universal Quantum
4 min readMar 31, 2022


Our head of talent, Samantha Edmondson, talks about what it takes to work in quantum computing with some insights into our hiring process.

Quantum computing is getting big. There’s a lot of noise in this space as these powerful machines start to scale up and unlock a world of possibilities. But to realise the full potential of quantum computing, the industry is not just addressing some exciting technical challenges. There’s also a significant skills gap to fill.

I’ve recently spoken about how we’re tackling the shortage and helping Gen Z get into quantum. At Universal Quantum, we also do everything we can to keep our staff healthy and happy with a limitless leave policy and flexible working as standard. (In fact, we’re so flexible that one of our quantum engineers is travelling the world for the next few months while still working for us!)

But we also get that the word “quantum” sometimes fills our candidates with dread — especially if you’re not an expert in quantum mechanics. This leads me to the first tip for anyone considering a career in quantum computing….

#1 You don’t need to be a quantum expert to work in quantum…

Because there’s plenty of training available, not to mention the on-the-job support from your peers.

So, if you want to start working with quantum computers, you don’t have to have any experience with these machines or in the wider field of quantum mechanics. You don’t even need a physics degree.

Likewise, if you’re a quantum expert and want to branch out into another area, then you can. We’ve helped quantum engineers train in classical computing fields because they want to know more about a specific engineering challenge or type of hardware.

Simply put, we don’t have tick boxes when evaluating candidates. Also, we want to hear from candidates at every stage of their careers. Don’t discount yourself just because you think you have too little experience or the wrong kind of experience. There’s no such thing!

What we’re looking for are candidates who can upskill and adapt. And remember, most quantum companies are start-ups so it’s more important to be able to multi-task and help where help is needed. We love people who come up with novel solutions, try new things and don’t limit their own potential.

Also, the field of quantum computing is still relatively young — we don’t know where it will ultimately end up, so agile candidates with multidisciplinary skills will always be in demand.

#2 … but showcase your interests and any relevant experience

The quantum computing community is very active and there are plenty of ways to get involved. So, do your homework and start to learn about the various types of quantum jobs available.

You could also start contributing to open-source quantum projects, go to a Meetup or start building your own quantum apps. Qiskit is one such community. Don’t be afraid to reach out and go to some events to speak with someone already working in the field.

At Universal Quantum, we also don’t advertise every job available and always want to hear from people who want to find out more. (Feel free to email leap@universalquantum.com with your questions.)

#3 Interview your interviewer

When you get to the interview stage, don’t forget to interview with purpose and ask questions not only about the role but other areas of the business.

At Universal Quantum, for example, we’ve been focused on creating a million-qubit machine from day one. So, our technology takes a unique approach compared to other companies out there. We have a saying, “it’s one million qubits or nothing” because, to do anything useful with a quantum computer, we have to reach the million-qubit range.

We know it’s an ambitious goal and we love candidates who come with questions about our tech and business. When interviewing, I also tend to find out what a candidate’s interests are and match that to a need in the company.

Remember, this is your chance to ask us everything you need to be certain that we will be the right place for you both now, and as you grow and develop your career. We care deeply about your interests and ambitions and will be honest with you about the support, training and opportunities we can provide to help you realise them.

#4 We’re all learning on the job

We’re working on one of the most incredible challenges, transforming the future of computing. We’re all learning and learning from each other as we grow both our technology and team.

That’s why it’s important to ask questions. At Universal Quantum, we value curiosity more than someone who has all the answers. In fact, the only thing that really concerns us is when our candidates or team don’t ask questions.

It’s also important for any candidate to ask questions to make sure a company is right for your career goals and how you learn. You want to work for a company that will support you and also have the adaptability to keep pace with your ambitions.

If you think you have what it takes to be part of our world-class team, you can see our latest vacancies on our careers page or please get in touch at leap@universalquantum.com.



Universal Quantum

To change the world for the better, Universal Quantum is building the world’s first million-qubit quantum computer to solve real-world problems.