The Best Thermal Spotting Scopes: A Buying Guide for Beginners

Tyson McDonald
7 min readJun 3, 2024


Thermal spotting scopes are the ultimate piece of hunting equipment. They’re designed to help you see your prey more clearly.

This is especially useful if it’s dark outside or if you’re looking for an animal in a densely forested area. A thermal spotting scope is also ideal for those who want to go fishing but can’t see their catch beneath the water’s surface.

However, before you buy one, you should understand how they work and what they can and cannot do for you. Here are some of the best thermal spotting scopes available, along with their advantages and disadvantages.

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What is a thermal spotting scope?

Thermal Spotting Scopes

The phrase “thermal spotting scope” is actually an umbrella term for various types of scopes used to detect heat. Handheld models and spotlights are the most common types of thermal spotting scopes.

Handheld models are popular, particularly at hunting preserves, because they can be kept close to the animal or the trail. Handheld scopes, however, are not always the best choice due to their small size and limited range. Furthermore, they are not very accurate, so a hunter must be able to judge the distance between them and the animal’s body in order to ensure that the animal is truly out in the open.

Spotlights are also popular among hunters who want to see their prey from a distance.

What is it good for?

When a thermal image is displayed, it depicts a section of the sky. While it’s not always clear, what you’re seeing is usually the temperature of objects in that area.

They are available at all hours of the day and night.

These scopes are ideal for outdoor enthusiasts who enjoy hunting, fishing, camping, or any other form of outdoor recreation.

What are the most important things to know about thermal scopes?

Many people associate these scopes with a high price tag. However, a high-quality infrared spotting scope can be had for less than $200.

They can not only help you spot large game animals, but they can also assist you in spotting fish, insects, and wildlife at night.

They provide quick, up-to-date information about what’s going on in your immediate surroundings.

These scopes can be zoomed in and out.

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What’s the difference between binoculars and spotting scope?

A spotting scope is designed to pick up smaller targets by providing both magnification and focal length. They typically have one or two mirrors at each end to assist you in seeing a target in the shade.

If you’re looking through a shorter or longer focal length binocular, you’ll need to be at a certain height to see something, which is why it’s best to use a scope that’s the right size for you. Some people have trouble seeing small targets through binoculars. Thermal scopes, on the other hand, can usually help even if you have a weaker eye.

Thermal Imaging Scopes: It includes a video recording function as well as straps to help you adjust the zoom and focus while fishing. They are usually sold in groups of four or five.

Things to consider before purchasing a thermal spotting scope

Depending on the type of sighting you’re looking for, thermal spotting scopes usually come with different lenses. You have the option of using illuminated optics, which focus more of the thermal image onto the screen, or a monochrome lens, which blocks out all of the green color. Both types of scopes provide a better view, but one allows you to see more of the picture.

Each type of thermal spotting scope has advantages and disadvantages, so it’s critical to determine which one is best for you.

Before you spend a lot of dollars on a high-priced thermal optic, make sure it’s the right one for you. If you want to push yourself in the right direction, here are a few key points to consider.

Weight and Size

Thermal spotting scopes can range from around 300 to 1,300 grams. However, that doesn’t mean they’re too heavy. That’s because some have a small hand-hold and are easier to handle.

You can use different scopes to get the best fit for your arm and body. Even the most heavy ones should be easy to carry in the field. Each thermal spotting scope has several features to make hunting easier. Most are universal, meaning that they work with any weapon. This makes them ideal for use with every kind of rifle.

No matter if you use a pump-action or a semi-auto, you’ll be able to find the right model for you, either with or without a windage correction. The last feature is meant to help you focus on the target.


This is one of the most important features of any spotting scope. When you are looking for a movement in the forest or on a wide open plain, a magnified viewing scope is your best friend.

If you’re a beginner, you can start off with a telescopic sighting scope as it is significantly less expensive. Magnifying scopes produce much sharper images, but some are only available in a clear lens while others are optically split or partial.


A thermal spotting scope uses lenses or mirror technology to make it possible to see infrared light. The clarity of the image produced is determined by the lens’ size and the magnification level.

Lenses used in thermal spotting scopes usually range from 10 to 300 times magnification. Therefore, if you purchase a thermal spotting scope, you will be able to see much more of your prey. However, some higher-end scopes have a magnification of up to 15 times.

Color Options

Many of the thermal spotting scopes available on the market come with a few different color options. Color options can range from black, to green, to blue to even purple. The reason for this is because all of these colors have a different heat signature, and therefore are more visible.

Another reason for having so many color options is because many hunters want to customize their thermal scopes to match their specific hunting or fishing style. Similar to most spotting scopes, the ones on this list are made of metal. The differences, however, between them come down to the size and weight.

The cheapest ones on this list are not as heavy and have a smaller footprint.

Reticle Options

If you want to have a clearer view of the target, you’ll need a higher magnification for the thermal spotting scope. This can be done either with a UV or a scoped telescope.

The UV will allow you to see the target in both color and white. The latter provides a slightly clearer view, but if you’re aiming for something smaller or further away, it’ll only be useful in bright sunlight.

Another option is to buy a projector. This will allow you to see both color and white, as well as ultraviolet and infrared.

One disadvantage with the projector is that it’ll be used only in a bright area.

If you want to see a larger image, you can also opt for a scoped telescope. It’s a bit more expensive, but you can choose between UV, infrared, and polarized viewing.

Detection Range

A thermal imaging scope has a detection range. The closer you point the scope at an animal, the larger its thermal image appears on the monitor, so you can spot the animal even in total darkness. However, they have limited detection ranges because they have to rely on the aircraft’s heat signature to pick up the prey.

An effective thermal imaging scope has a very high power to detect and a very large focal range. The main reason why people like more power is that thermal imaging scopes can detect movement or movement of small animals more easily.

Unlike the human eye, which can only see up to about 15 feet, the thermal image can be seen from a distance of up to 200 feet.

How to choose the best thermal spotting scope​for your specific needs

Before purchasing a thermal spotting scope, you should consider what you’re looking for. Here’s a quick guide to determining which type of thermal scope is right for you:

Range/Illumination: Probably the most important consideration when purchasing a thermal spotting scope. The brighter the image, the better; the wider the image, the better.

This is most likely the most important consideration when purchasing a thermal spotting scope. The brighter the image, the better; the wider the image, the better. The distance at which the scope will focus is referred to as the focus distance. A 700mm to 800mm zoom is usually sufficient for hunting small animals like squirrels and rabbits. For larger game, such as deer, a 1000mm or even 1100mm scope may be preferable.

Final Thoughts

There are numerous types of hunting scopes, just as there are numerous types of hunting firearms. Different types of scopes serve different purposes for different hunters, so it’s important to consider what kind of hunting you want to do. Some are designed for deer hunting, while others are designed for big-game hunting.

In any case, once you’ve decided on the best type for you, you can find some of the best thermal spotting scopes to help you enjoy your next hunting trip.

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Tyson McDonald

Firearms instructor. Range safety instructor.