Prioritization with MoSCoW

Uniyal Meenakshi
3 min readSep 20, 2023


Prioritization techniques are methods used to determine the order in which tasks, features, or requirements should be addressed in a Project/Release plan. They are essential for an Agile product team for several reasons like focus on higher value, manage scope, risk management and alignment with goals. Some commonly used prioritization techniques in Agile include MoSCoW (Must, Should, Could, Won’t), Kano Model, RICE Method and Impact-Effort Matrix, among others. Each technique has its strengths and is suited for different situations. The choice of prioritization technique depends on the project’s complexity, the team’s needs, and the specific context of the product development process.

Let’s explore MoSCoW (as it is the Summer time!) in this article with an example.

The MoSCoW prioritization technique is a simple and effective way to categorize features or requirements into different priority levels. The term “MoSCoW” stands for “Must Have, Should Have, Could Have, and Won’t Have (this time).” Let’s apply the MoSCoW technique to the Scrum team ‘Superb’ as they prioritize features for their next release.

Feature 1: User Authentication (Must Have)

  • This feature is essential for the product’s core functionality.
  • Without proper user authentication, the product’s security would be compromised.
  • The team categorizes this feature as a “Must Have” because the product cannot be released without it.

Feature 2: Dark Mode Support (Should Have)

  • While dark mode support can enhance the user experience, it’s not critical for the product’s core functionality.
  • Adding dark mode is a valuable improvement, but the product could still be functional without it.
  • The team categorizes this feature as a “Should Have” because it’s important, but not absolutely necessary for the release.

Feature 3: Social Media Sharing (Could Have)

  • Adding social media sharing functionality could potentially increase user engagement.
  • However, it’s not a fundamental aspect of the product’s functionality or immediate success.
  • The team categorizes this feature as a “Could Have” because it’s a nice-to-have addition, but not a priority for the current release.

Feature 4: Gamification Features (Won’t Have this time)

  • Introducing gamification features like badges, points, and leaderboards could be interesting for user engagement.
  • However, the development effort required for these features is substantial and would delay the release.
  • The team decides to categorize these features as “Won’t Have this time” because they’re not crucial for the current release and can be considered for a future iteration.

In this example, ‘Superb’ Scrum team uses the MoSCoW technique to categorize features for their next release:

  • Must Have: User Authentication (Critical for security and core functionality)
  • Should Have: Dark Mode Support (Valuable for user experience)
  • Could Have: Social Media Sharing (Nice-to-have for engagement)
  • Won’t Have (this time): Gamification Features (Resource-intensive and can be considered later)

This prioritization helps the team allocate their efforts to the most critical and impactful features while also being aware of what can be deferred to future releases. It ensures that the team focuses on delivering the core value while also considering enhancements that can make the product more appealing over time.

Happy Learning :)

