A brief introduction to investing in gold with Digital Gold

Unknown Op
3 min readApr 21, 2024


The Digital gold task is an aggressive one,it looks to democratize gold speculation and make it simple for clients to get to the open doors in the gold market.

No more will one need to manage complex administrative matters and feared thefts,Digital Gold deals with all that,it carries straightforwardness to the gold market as one unit of gold is fixed to one gold token,it influences blockchain innovation for low cost,easy and consistent exchanges and all exchanges can been effortlessly followed on the ethereum blockchain



It’s shaky to buy and keep gold in your house,one could undoubtedly turn into an objective for looters.
The Digital Gold undertaking makes it alright for people to buy gold as the gold is put away securely abroad in the organization’s authority.
It’s protected against actual thefts,it’s gotten by the Ethereum blockchain and safe.
Before now,the acquisition of gold required loads of development and gold isn’t effectively portable,the Digital gold undertaking makes the exchange of gold coins truly compact by utilizing the blockchain innovation.


Prior to now,considering the intricacies of buying and putting away gold,one needs to go through a third party,this outsider covers every one of the legitimate administrative matters and everything concerning the trade,but most times one has come to find that there exist extremely low transparency,sometimes the gold they professed to have bought doesn’t exist anyplace.
The Digital Gold venture influences the blockchain for transparency,all gold token bought will have an equivalent sum in actual gold and all exchanges will be on the blockchain,so one can utilize a blockchain voyager like etherscan to see how the tokens are been exchanged.

The requirement for a place of refuge

Gold has done right by be a genuine safe house in monetary debacles for huge number of years,Digital Gold looks to make admittance to gold buy and sell as straightforward as ABC.
Various individuals are engaged with crypto trading,while these resources are good,one can’t disregarded their volatility,Digital Gold gives Crypto merchants a way to put resources into gold by means of brilliant agreements.

Clients get charged a 0.99% yearly stockpiling expense.

Elements of Digital Gold

Minimal expense

The expense of moving or executing gold in the stage is generally low,users are charged a yearly 0.99% stockpiling expense.

Place of refuge

The crypto market is profoundly volatile,purchasing gold gives a special stability,owning the Gold token addresses a strong expansion to one’s digital currency portfolio.

Secure gold possession

The difficulties of buying gold involves tracking down a dependable provider,
a few administrative matters and so on and there exists a plenty of difficulties with securely putting away that gold,the Digital Gold stage in organization with the Chubb Insurance agency will assist customers with securely putting away their gold.
It will be protected against digital hoodlums and actual crooks.

High liquidity Digital gold

Clients can buy and sell a lot of tokens by means of trades or through the Digital Gold commercial center,


Protection is our concern,the Digital Gold stage will make the buy and proprietorship secret consequently keeping clients personality hidden

For more data about this incredible undertaking with loads of capacities, you can visit the accompanying connections:

WebSite: https://gold.storage/home

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/golderc20

Ann: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5161544

Medium: https://medium.com/@digitalgoldcoin

Whitepaper: https://gold.storage/wp.pdf


Bitcointalk username: Unknown Op
Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3514460
My Eth-wallet address: 0xC8A9FdCe2eE6384e82520bE38f3db12e5C334225

