What is gold called digital gold? Will our perception of gold change?

Unknown Op
5 min readMar 24, 2024


Dear companions, today I will keep on presenting you an undertaking called Digital GOLD. This venture is known through a companion of mine, and I will enlighten you some data regarding this undertaking.

This venture is the ideal blend of Blockchain innovation and actual gold. The undertaking was made by a group of experienced experts in numerous areas: blockchain innovation, financial matters, finance, global exchanges, …
With regards to putting resources into gold, financial backers currently have a wide range of choices, from gold ETFs, to gold stocks, or even to purchase actual gold. Yet, what precisely is the motivation behind gold?

These two inquiries have made two gatherings of contradicting gold financial backers throughout the course of recent many years. One gathering said that gold is essentially an old artifact, as of now not quite as strong as in the past. In a cutting edge financial climate, where paper cash is the most famous, actually the main advantage of gold is the material that makes gems.

One ounce of gold was worth only $39 in 1970. Many years costs of gold have arrived at new highs. in 1980 the cost of gold came to $843 per ounce and on November 01, 2019, one ounce of gold was esteemed $1,509.

For a person to turn into an entrepreneur or a financial backer and become monetarily free, one ought to have different wellsprings of recurring, automated revenue. This can undoubtedly be accomplished by putting resources into organizations or resources with a sound development potential. Without a doubt, one of such resources is gold.

What gold is and why you ought to get some
Gold has continuously being a sought-after resource for financial backers and customers the same; for financial backers — it gives a way to develop their speculation over the long run and act as a store of riches, for purchasers, be that as it may, it gives one of the best materials for making extravagance things — from vehicles to wristwatches, gems, and other Veblen merchandise.

The wasteful course of the gold buy framework
For the typical financial backer, buying gold with the end goal of venture couldn’t be any more dreary — from the recording of various administrative work for suitable personality check, the lawful cycles associated with the exchange, to the settlement of outsiders and the protected stockpiling of the gold being bought.

So Why you ought to put resources into gold?
As the graph above shows, gold is a beneficial interest over the long haul. Gold has been around for millennia, either as an installment technique or store of significant worth. Our government issued types of money that are utilized as lawful delicate are vulnerable to expansion. Accept the Zimbabwean dollar as an illustration which has caused gigantic shakiness in Zimbabwe.

What is the conventional method for putting resources into gold?
Financial backers can purchase gold in its actual shape and structure and store it in a bank or a safe. Portions of gold can likewise be bought on the stock trade as a Trade Exchanged Asset (ETF). This is a more famous choice presently and it saves financial backers from the difficulty of reasoning of safe ways of putting away their gold.

Issues with the customary venture models
Securities exchanges are completely managed. All clients need to go through a definite KYC technique to keep away from issues, for example, tax evasion or defilement. Clients need to present their personality data, confirmation of pay, bank articulations and different reports on demand.

The Arrangement is: Digital Gold and the GOLD Stablecoin

Digital Gold (https://gold.storage/en/home) is an ERC-20 symbolic that empowers clients to buy gold in an Digital configuration. Every GOLD token is equivalent to one gram of 99.99% fine gold and is upheld by actual gold that is stayed with in the’s vaults.

Digital Gold offers an improved arrangement by utilizing the blockchain. Blockchain-based gold can’t be hacked or taken and utilizing the assistance to exchange gold is totally mysterious. Clients are allowed to trade however much they like and on account of blockchain innovation there are no geological limitations. All exchanges with the GOLD tokens are for nothing (barring exchange expenses), they are irreversible and permanent and the Ethereum blockchain ensures moment transactions.GOLD furnishes holders with the security of buying gold while guaranteeing that tokens don’t act as only a store of significant worth, in contrast to gold. A portion of the significant advantages of the utilization of GOLD include:

Secure capacity of gold: Any financial backer hoping to put resources into gold must have suitable capacity set up to guarantee its security. GOLD symbolic holders need not stress over, for example, the actual gold is safely put away in the Digital GOLD organization’s vault, guaranteeing resource security at all times.Access to extortion free worldwide business sectors: The gold market is a worldwide one with various legislatures holding gold in its stores.

The most effective method to buy GOLD

Buying GOLD couldn’t be any simpler, the Digital GOLD stage is a completely useful biological system which has its own commercial center. GOLD tokens can undoubtedly be traded for digital currencies like Bitcoin and Ether.

The commercial center is furnished with essential devices to help with market examination and cost projection. The buy and deal framework is constrained by shrewd agreements, considering consistent exchanges. Client service is likewise promptly accessible to help people with questions and other important data on getting to the commercial center and different highlights of the stage.

A straightforward method for exchanging gold is at long last accessible thanks to the Digital Gold stage for financial backers who would rather not be exposed to confounded guidelines and KYC techniques and lose their namelessness.


GOLD gives people hoping to profit from putting resources into gold with an exceptionally fluid choice which likewise gives them a valuable chance to use the advantages of blockchain innovation which considers trustless permanent exchanges.

For more data about this incredible undertaking with loads of capacities, you can visit the accompanying connections:

WebSite: https://gold.storage/home

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/golderc20

Ann: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5161544

Medium: https://medium.com/@digitalgoldcoin

Whitepaper: https://gold.storage/wp.pdf


Bitcointalk username: Unknown Op
Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3514460
My Eth-wallet address: 0xC8A9FdCe2eE6384e82520bE38f3db12e5C334225

