New Technologies, FinTech, and Population.

Let’s talk about the ever-growing Fintech sector and look at how emerging technologies are changing the world.

2 min readAug 21, 2021

The introduction of new technologies and digital services are completely changing the habits of people, especially new generations. Technology is increasingly part of daily life (travel, catering, mobility, entertainment, etc) and has begun to have a strong impact on the financial sector.

The term FinTech, short for financial technology (techno-finance), refers to any technological innovation in financial services. Industry operators are developing new technologies to revolutionize the world of financial markets, banks, and insurance companies (Insurtech).

The most involved businesses in this process are obviously the start-ups, but also the most famous banking institutions (think of HSBC, Credit Suisse, Unicredit, etc.) are the designers of this transformation and are investing in internal development or the acquisition of fintech projects. These use technology within everyone’s reach, such as apps, and more complex software that includes artificial intelligence or big data.

Mobile payment applications (eg. PayPal, Apple Pay, Satispay), cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ripple, Ethereu, etc), other applications of the blockchain, crowdfunding, open API, chatbot, Robo-advisor…these terms, which have now become part of the common vocabulary end up in the fintech cauldron.

Digital has now a huge impact on the financial sector.

Digital has now a fundamental role in the field of payments, from online shopping to the use of bank apps, to payments in contactless mode or directly via smartphone.

So, the relationship with money becomes virtual to material, promoting (expert of the sector says) the fight against tax evasion.

Furthermore, this could certainly profit people able to use digital devices to benefit from lower prices and a wider choice of products tailored to their needs.

In addition, FinTech developments should improve the development and competitiveness of the financial system, including the well-being of European citizens, while improving financial stability and ensuring the highest possible level of consumer spending through faster, less suitable, more efficient financial services. personalized, inclusive, resilient, and transparent. Thus, allowing all citizens to have more optimal conditions of access to the market and promoting financial inclusion.

Financial education must therefore seize the digital opportunity and benefit from the use of technological tools in order to facilitate the achievement of potential recipients, proposing tools that are closer to the needs of the new generations, helping them in the process of recognizing the subject better, which touches them in everyday life and can make a real change when it comes to conscious construction of your wealth and therefore of your well-being.




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