3 min readNov 29, 2022


There is not a single member of society who does not know who Jose P. Rizal is. His incredible accomplishments were studied in classrooms, his writings are widely available in libraries, and his image and likenesses may be seen imprinted or sculpted in public spaces throughout the Philippines. It is a well-known fact, unfortunately, that most Filipinos have no idea this respectable person is even considering such a thing. It is essential to study Rizal outside his writings, as pointed out by Filipino historians Paul Dumol, Mary Dorothy Jose, and John Nery. They stress that understanding Rizal is not enough; we can only comprehend him through analyzing his work. Our national hero Jose Rizal is the subject of the film Jose Rizal: Sa Landas ng Paglaya. The movie showed how Jose Rizal’s writings shaped modern Philippine society. It dealt with the historical resurrection of Rizal in several aspects. Investigating the past enables us to gain perspective on the present and offer hope for the future. Even though we are on opposite sides of the world, it is not unexpected that our circumstances are relatively identical.

The film portrays a significant component of passing on Filipino culture and identity to future generations. All of us should read it, see it, and reflect on it because it has the potential to be an unforgettable piece of descriptive documentary history. We will learn a lot from watching this brief clip. The film beautifully captures our national hero Dr. Jose Rizal and his struggle against Spanish colonialism. To better understand how to reintegrate with the principles of freedom and independence over which our previous generations fought long and hard, this film provides essential guidelines on our history, most notably Rizal’s life.

Actors nailed their roles, and the film’s photography helped strengthen viewers’ sense of witnessing something out of this world. In addition, I have some unique personal insights to share about “Jose Rizal: Sa Landas ng Paglaya,” which I have obtained from listening to the understanding of many historical professionals. The performance conduct of the actors supports the numerous noteworthy creations and traits of Rizal. Indeed, he has been and continues to be an important figure in history and the current. The results of his efforts and the dedication he showed are relevant to our present day. We have yet to make it to Dr. Jose Rizal’s definitive version of change in the Philippines, but we are getting there.

All questions were answered thoroughly, and the interviews were professionally conducted. I respect the historian Miss Mary Dorothy Jose, who was interviewed and gave her thoughts. I wrote down her findings since they emphasized understanding why Jose Rizal is necessary. After seeing the movie and observing it, I realize that I am just some of the individuals who are always searching for life’s meaning. Still, it can be said that Rizal’s ideas and beliefs are ones to which one should commit one’s life. We might only experience it to its fullest when we are at the heart of his narrative. That is why learning a little about Rizal’s background is essential. Plus, there is always hope that Filipinos can find their life’s true meaning. As a nation, we may learn from his example and aspire to conduct righteous deeds for the benefit of the Philippines.

Overall, it paints a picture of how Rizal devoted most of his life to the service of his homeland. A deeper appreciation for Rizal’s contributions and selfless sacrifice is possible after seeing this film because of the accurate and factual data it contains. All Filipinos should see this film as it is a powerful tool for reclaiming our historical identity and the liberties we have been afforded. All of us have an obligation to keep our privileges preserved. As citizens of the Philippines and the Republic of the Philippines, we owe it to our previous generation to learn the truth about the threats facing our nation today and take action to protect the freedom and rights they sacrificed. To the maximum extent of his capabilities, Jose Rizal fulfilled his passion and purpose by working to improve the environment beneath himself. Given the prevalence of hypocritical information and incorrect historical understanding in today’s society, it is also recommended that young people view this film. There have to be more initiatives like this one done by the NHCP as well as other groups, and it is my humble request that this will happen.

