Grey Area Takeaways

3 min readOct 21, 2022


Whether or not you figured out life, obstacles will always appear. Gratefully, you have made it this far in your life. That alone is worth acknowledging your standing point to possibilities further existing. Grey Area Takeaways notes the reality of not every destination having an anticipated straight-forward pathway. Sometimes life will take you off your initial cut-and-dry course.

Through the realization of my work preferences, authentic and genuine connections have led me further than I initially anticipated. It is the areas where we have the most confidence, tested upon murky waters. Although I dismiss much credit for my efforts, the reality is that sometimes the expectations of ourselves are unrealistic. Not because it can’t happen ever. Rather, it may not be feasible at this moment. Coming to an acceptance of tasks separate from my intended day; reminds me of the awareness of mapping-out productivity of intended goals. Since multitasking can diminish the saying “Focus on one thing at a time,” being pressed for time; is a reality for many. I hope my blog, ebook, and services offered along the way can be of use to people. If your time weren’t precious, this writing wouldn’t be necessary for me to publish. Unfortunately, yet, fortunately, through misfortunes, I can relate to many in life, not always going the way they hoped for initially. Some things work out in the end. While this intends not to be considered a closed mindset, we can’t dismiss the obstacles ahead in our journey. It is uncomfortable.

Throughout my 9 years of college and 10 years of work concurrently, I know life isn’t fair to everyone. While both felt like undeserving sentences, I am grateful to share the takeaways of life that hopefully inspire you to pursue visions that may otherwise be considered a dream.

I am not here to discuss politics. Still, I will say that from running for office upon starting graduate school in 2017, if you see a problem within your community, examine the local politics. If you don’t like either party, check out alternative parties. Despite losing the election, I have no regrets about running with the Independent Party. If I specified among the common parties, there would manage to be turmoil all over this post from others.

One more thing I want to lay out for others is this: Have you ever wondered why political correctness matters more than facts? Mental health has continued to be dismissed by much of society to deny their individual triggers, resulting in missed opportunities for the person to heal past wounds. While my posts are not intended to offend anyone, I aim to enlighten the past’s value within the present to be addressed; for the further future success of everyone. Yes, this may be just a blog; nonetheless, I strive to increase the value of your life. Your life had a purpose before reading this. Still, your life will continue to have a purpose. Thank you for reading.




Greetings 👋 Process the prequel and strive for a divine sequel. Life is worth an honest effort. MA in School Counselor Education.