Laughuck vs Saddick — The Conversation

The Unproposed Guy
2 min readDec 19, 2018


Laughuck: I hate parlour aunties. I come to you for help and this is what you give me? Sarcasm? I have enough of that on the Internet.

Saddick: oh they are the worst. If i wanted someone to tell me how bad i looked i wouldn’t have blocked the asshole who did not take rejection well.

Laughuck: only last week i went to my parlour auntie to get my eyebrows done and she said “upper lip too? Seems like you have a ‘moustache’ you know who had a moustache and tried to push his propaganda onto everyone? Hitler.

Saddick: let’s not talk about Hitler. This guy on the Internet said I am a ‘feminazi’ so i guess I’m on Hitler’s side now. Gotta believe random comments from random dudes on the Internet.

Laughuck: oh they are so stupid. When you have already said Hi twice, a third time wouldn’t make a difference, Karan!

Saddick: So yeah we were talking about parlour aunties. I’ll get my manicure done today. Nish and I have a date tonight.

Laughuck: remember to paint your nails a good colour. Or you would end up looking like Hina. Did you see her new picture?

Saddick: ugh so awful. Only if they could put a little effort in their appearances. Anyway I’m going to the parlour for my hourly session of taunts. Bye.



The Unproposed Guy

Meet the lame loader next door, every guy’s best friend, and any girl’s worst nightmare. #TheUnproposedGuy available now.