March 5th, 2024

Blessed birthday to a truly magnificent soul who has enlivened his life for many wonderful years, Jeric!



Age perpetually shocks us; another year has gone, adding another chapter to the tale of your life. May life shower you with blessings that outnumber the stars, and may fireflies reveal your path. May this birthday bring you joy, love, and cherished memories, in addition to adding a year to your life. You exceptionally deserve everything in the world. Thank you for being born into the world. Thank you for being the source of my energy. Thank you for being who never fails to show your love and happiness for everyone around you, and thank you for being strong so far and being a great human. I hope that you have the greatest birthday ever from the moment you open your eyes until they close late at night. Hopefully a lot of happiness, love and blessings come to you and i wish you a memorable day that will mark the beginning of amazing things in your life.

A heartfelt thank you for enlivening the world with your presence. I applaud you for being who you really are: sincere, compassionate, and fascinating. I fell completely in love with you, and by "you," I mean every single one of you—your quirks, foibles, and everything else that makes you your own personality. I wouldn’t change anything. I really wish you could see yourself through my eyes. I wish you could see all that I see when I look at you. I like how you’re simply you, you’ve made me feel a kind of love that’s just so real and deep. If only you could fathom the fact that you are the most flawless soul I have ever had the privilege of encountering. It’s not just a man I see before me, but my entire world standing there, beautifully imperfect and yet utterly perfect in my eyes. Happy birthday to the sweetest, most caring, and most supportive person I could ever ask for! It would probably take a thousand even a million years for you to read a book with endless pages of my wishes for you. I love every part of who you are, from your strengths to your weaknesses; from your perfect moments to your imperfections— everything.

But wait, it doesn’t end here, I still have another little gift for you. Let’s take a look at this link!

