The Masterpiece

Unspoken Words
1 min readJul 23, 2020


Marvellous is your creation

Beyond any human thought

The highs n lows you’ve created

The blues, the greens you’ve painted

The bright and the light

The hills and the planes

that stretch far and wide

Mighty mountains, Deep valleys

The forests and the trees

The beautiful falls

The free flowing and some still…

The narrow and the broad

Some straight some winding roads

Big and small, hills and hillocks,

Some mossy, some shiny black rocks

Varied colours you’ve painted the world in

Yet, the most vivid among the many different hues

Are the many shades of green

Glittering leaves in the sun’s light

Sparkling water as it runs by

The gurgles and sounds the flowing water makes

The stream that gently glides by

And as time passes

The day gets done

the bright light grows dim

The shining sun bids goodbye

Making way for the evening to arrive

Darker it grows slowly

And black seems to be beauty

Dark all around and yet

Shines a light

The moon now is the guiding light

With tiny dots to trace the way

As, on the huge open canvas

Is painted

The enigmatic starry night

That envelopes us all

An eye isn’t enough to watch

A heart isn’t enough to hoard

The spectacular beauty you have in store

Truly, a Masterpiece by the Creator!!

