Sponsorship Rules of Engagement

Unusual DD
6 min readJul 8, 2022


This article is written for potential Sponsors of the Unusual Due Diligence channel. You’re welcome to read it too, of course.

Why do these rules exist?

These rules of engagement are intended to ensure that the Unusual Due Diligence channel does not fall into the trap of “promoting an endless charade of pump and dump scams”. In order to ensure promoted topics are channel relevant, proposals are scored according to the Sponsor Rules of Engagement. Think of this as a risk analysis score card to help gauge how risky a promotion might be. Even if you’re not looking to be a sponsor on the channel, these ideas might be useful in your own work.

“After all, it’s my channel. It’s a pure labor of love that I run the way I want. And the way I want to run it is with compassion and ethics, as the journey to the moon takes many steps.” -Poseidon

Why is this public and why is it on Medium?

This guide is public so I can share the link. The guide is published on Medium because a recent poll conducted on the channel had Medium.com as the preferred place for these written word “things”. As a bonus, I see it is far easier to update an article on Medium than write a long tweet.

Favorable qualities

Favorable qualities improve the risk score. This means if your project or proposal is a member of one or more of these categories, think of it as additional “pluses” that increase the standing of the project. This isn’t an objective score here. That’s because there are a large number of people who like to game these systems. Instead, think of this list as a list of qualities.

Clear value proposition that benefits the audience of the Unusual Due Diligence community.

Is it overly clear to me what the value is to the community? The Unusual Due Diligence community is a specific, niche community many of whom are running their own online channels, community projects, or are C-Level within specific industry. Let’s make sure the content is appropriate for them.

Is the Sponsor of the Project a “Friend of a friend or friend of mine”?

There is a favorable boon granted to individuals that subscribe and participate in the network of content creators and communities already associated to Unusual Due Diligence. If a mythological god that animates inanimate objects can participate in various online communities, then so can you.

Is the sponsor reasonably active in the relevant circles?

There is one clear sign that you are a danger to the community network: you show up out of nowhere with an intent to peddle a new project with total disregard to our larger community interest. There are real humans behind the screen names, with real goals, aspirations, and existing obligations. Let’s respect that.

Sponsor is famous or well known.

I see you like the fast-pass. If you are employed on behalf of an organization that is a leading institution, such as those covered on the channel, then just know that’s a completely different story from being an organization less well known, or even one with an illustrious past. It’s best to disclose this upfront because I will, and have, sleuthed the project sponsors of the channel. After all, it’s kind of the shtick here.

Sponsor moves the needle on achieving channel goals on the bingo vision board.

Help me and I’ll help you. If you as a Sponsor are affiliated with or employed by Adult Swim, Cartoon Network, Hasbro, DC Comics, Marvel, Disney, AMC, Tesla, PrimeBlock, ANKR, FlexaHQ or the Algorand foundation then know that I’m going to lean towards whatever it is you have to say. In addition to being important to the wider channel community, you’re important to me achieving the items in the bingo vision board identified at https://unusualdd.com/bingo.html

Sponsor or proposal is actually making a difference.

If you as a sponsor are making a real impact on the world, such as work with not for profit organizations, youth groups, or solving the real problems in your local community, then that’s going to elevate you up. If I can help raise awareness of a local community group trying like hell to make a difference, let me know.

Least Favorable qualities

These are qualities that will lower your perceived risk score for the sponsor or proposal. If you fall into different buckets here, I offer solutions to improve your standing. Really, this is just sound advice for the general practice of building real relationships with humans. After all, I assume you’re talking with me because you’re looking to invest in a long term relationship either with the channel, members of the community, or the channel host (that’s me!).

Don’t have me think you’re just here to make a quick buck off the community.

I understand the importance of cold contact, as I once did sales work many years ago. However, after establishing a cold connection make it a warm one by following the “Favorable qualities” rules listed above. I can understand if that’s difficult as part of a broader brand strategy, but if you can’t reach out to explain your value proposition to me thru a quick DM on Twitter? I’m not sure what to say other than “Good luck in your endeavors.”

Hiding past misconduct or even current misconduct?

Let’s be very clear. You’re going to be talking with someone that reads patent filings, international business minutes of small policy offices, and can zero in on a home addresses in ways that make day time investigative journalism envious. In a similar way, I also understand the value of privacy. That said, if your project is connected with well-known pump and dump scams, I’m going to find out and it’s going to terminate the project.

Has a “fraudster” internet presence.

Would it surprise you to know I receive a large volume of daily proposals of all sorts of investment “opportunities”? When I go to investigate those, if I discover your profile is overrun with bots, templated content about some obscure token that has more automated accounts than real people behind it, then just know I’m going to look at that pretty unfavorably. At this point, I’ve produced over a hundred low budget animated features involving due diligence on a wide variety of topics. I’ll know. There’s a difference between “trying to start something new up” and “deliberately trying to defraud people”.

Can’t answer a simple question over email

Rule added on 7/10/2022 after a short email exchange.

My first challenge will always be this question. “Why should the channel audience care about your proposal?” You see, if you emailed me first, then I’m going to ask this question over email. Fair? Seems fair.

However! If you then respond and require me to jump to a random internet chat app to answer that simple question, then just know I’m going to ignore you. The reason is simple. The answer for “why should the community care about the project” isn’t a secret. Heck, you should be tweeting me publicly about it. “Hey Unusual DD we should tango because your audience would love to know more about X because it’d help Y.”

The Cheat Code to Success

In all seriousness, while I wrote this to be a guide to help ensure the channel doesn’t fall into pump and dump scams, it’s also just sound advice. Don’t be a pump and dump. Don’t sell snake oil to people in need.

Be good to people, and the world.

Disclaimer: Unusual Due Diligence reserves the right to amend these at any time to protect the interests of the audience or channel. You are free to adopt these rules, in your own way. If you have suggestions to improve them, feel free to leave a comment or DM me directly on Twitter (link below).

That all said, thank you for reading. Visit us over on the channel sometime, or drop me a note on Twitter. How? Easy enough. Follow these links and they’ll take you there.

Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/unusualduediligence

Twitter: https://twitter.com/unusualdd

Make waves, my friend.



Unusual DD

Mythological god of the sea that brings to life inanimate objects to talk about blockchain, stocks and investment theories. It’s unusual.