Nathan Williams

Consultant of the Year Award 2016/2017

Consultant of the Year Award 2016 / 2017

It is our absolute pleasure to award Nathan Williams with the Consultant of the Year Award 2016/2017 for his exemplary work and demonstration of outstanding leadership skills. Whether it is his commitment to helping others achieve success, or his dedication to volunteer work in his communities, Nathan consistently demonstrates kindness, integrity, compassion, and leadership.

Nathan’s excellent leadership skills are endless as he participated in every team duty from roles that ranged from strategic planning and implementation to data collection and analysis. Through his initiative, thoughtfulness, and outstanding problem-solving abilities, Nathan gained the respect and trust of the 180 Executive team, our clients, and fellow 180 Consultants. We have come to see him as our “go-to” person as he has consistently gone above and beyond what was asked of him.

Nathan is a perfect example of what a team player entails. He has the incredible ability to interact and empathize with people of all ages. He has an easy-going and amicable personality, which he balances with his organized and strategic mindset to positively influence the world around him. As a 180 Consultant, Nathan had a critical role in preparing the deliverables and nurturing the relationship between our branch and our clients.

One of the moments when we were most impressed with Nathan was when we witnessed him completing last-minute edits on his client’s final presentation just hours before he was scheduled to fly back to London. It’s one thing to work on a project diligently, but it’s another to spend the last hours of your overseas exchange working on it. We were honoured to have worked with such a hard-working, responsible, and kind individual, and know that he will be successful wherever he goes afterwards.


  • Nathan is pursuing a Bachelors of Science at the King’s College London, achieving a 1st class degree.
  • This summer Nathan is volunteering with Oxfam International, building lasting solutions to poverty and injustice.
  • Nathan held the position as an Assistant Lounge Manager for The Runnymede on Thames, specializing in team management and hospitality service.
  • As an international exchange student Nathan studied at the Rotman School of Management — University of Toronto.

Read about Steven Camit, the other recipient of the Consultant of the Year Award (2016/2017)

