Major Project: First Ideas

Bethany cook
2 min readOct 6, 2022


Moodboard showing initial ideas and inspiration — including dream like imagery, environment ideas and art styles
Mind map displaying my initial ideas for my major project
Colours that inspire my project idea

I have began to gather my ideas for my Major project, in the form of a mind map and mood board. I am leaning more towards working with my idea of a dream-like, imaginative world with lots of surreal scenery and colours. I have always had a very vivid imagination and strange dreams, since I was younger I have always enjoyed exploring my creativity to create imaginary worlds and stories. Disney’s Alice in Wonderland was my favourite animation growing up, I loved the aesthetics and the idea of a made up world that is completely out of the ordinary. This idea could work well either as a narrative story, perhaps about a character falling asleep and entering this world, or as a soundscape/music video animation. The character will walk through different parts of the world, with the mood and atmosphere slowly changing with the aesthetics throughout. I will be taking inspiration from movies such as Disney’s Alice in wonderland and Inside out, exploring the use of both 2D and 3D animation throughout this project to decide which style will be most fitting. I am excited to dive deep into my imagination to create some surreal, unusual settings and characters, also keeping a diary of my dreams every night so I can use these for inspiration.

