UPenn Alumni
2 min readNov 11, 2016


As proud University of Pennsylvania alumni we strongly and unequivocally condemn the racist activity taking place at our alma mater.

The UPenn motto is “Leges sine Moribus vanae,” which translates to “Laws without morals are useless.” These are the words of our school, and today’s acts lack all morality and go against the very core of what UPenn stands for.

What has occurred is NOT acceptable.

We will NOT stand for it on our campus or anywhere in this country.

We echo President Amy Gutmann, Provost Vincent Price and Executive Vice President Craig Carnaroli’s statement denouncing this activity and stand in solidarity with them and the work they are doing to “counteract its appalling bias.”

We call on President-Elect and Wharton alumnus Donald Trump to break his disturbing silence on this issue, and to follow through on his declaration that the nation must come together by making a full-throated condemnation of these hate crimes and all hate speech.

We stand with the students on campus. Our nation may be deeply divided, between so-called Red States and Blue States, but The University of Pennsylvania’s fight song declares “Hurrah for The Red and the Blue.” UPenn is attended by students of all walks of life, from every corner of the planet. We are all one, and must come together in mutual understanding and respect for all people regardless of race, gender, religion, ability or sexual orientation. To do any less is to betray the values of our University and all that it has taught us.

We will not accept this behavior.

We will not be silent.

