Rebecca Leppard, founder, Upgrading Women
Rebecca Leppard, founder, Upgrading Women

Upgrading Women is UK’s innovative training provider that delivers direct impact to its learners productivity and career progression. Using her Communications degree and 20 years of experience, Rebecca Leppard, the founder, transfers her skills in presentation, design thinking, problem solving, empathy and leadership. We encourage our clients to prioritise spending their training budget for women and members of underrepresented groups to fulfil the companies’ DEI commitment and solve talent pipeline problems at the same time. By providing these learning and development services to high-growth companies, leaders can benefit from better employee branding, higher retention and healthier culture.

Rebecca Leppard, founder, Upgrading Women

Rebecca Leppard, founder, Upgrading Women

Rebecca Leppard is a communication strategists who helps women in tech upgrade their soft skills to get better pay, position and power!