How to Use a Waterpik Water Flosser?

Md. Mintaraj Mandal
3 min readAug 11, 2019


Flossing is a good way to maintain your oral hygiene. Just as brushing, it will help in removing plaque buildup and preventing your teeth from decaying.

There are two ways to floss your teeth. You can either use a string pack or use a water flosser. In this post, I will show you how to use a water flosser instead.

The water flosser that I will focus on is the Waterpik Water Flosser. Read on and see how to use a water flosser. Once finished, you will be ready to buy a water flosser to help you in maintaining the best oral hygiene.

What is a Waterpik Flosser?

A Waterpik flosser is also called an oral irrigator. It is a dental gadget that can be used at home to maintain great oral hygiene. It works by the aid of a water jet. The gadget releases a jet of water from its tip. The jet is strong enough to remove food particles and plaque from the nooks and crannies of your mouth.

Using a Waterpik Water Flosser

To use a Waterpik Water Flosser in the best way, follow this guideline. Don’t ignore any step at all.

Choose the Right Model:

Kid’s model is not the same as the adult models. A countertop Waterpik water flosser is constructed for use on the counter. It will sit on the counter permanently. There is the cordless model that comes without a hose. Finally, some waterproof models are easy to use in the shower.

Choose the Correct Tip:

Many Waterpik flossers come with different types of specialty tips. You will get the classic jet tip. You will also have the toothbrush tip. In addition to that, there is the plaque seeker. And finally, some models come with orthopedic tips that are designed for braces, implants, and crowns.

The pik pocket tip is one that accesses the nooks and crannies of your teeth. It is designed to remove plaque from the deepest and tightest spaces in your mouth. It is best if you suffer from chronic periodontitis.

Fill Your Water Reservoir:

The water reservoir in a flosser is a large water container. It has a removable cover/top that is the main access point. Fill this container with water and add chlorhexidine mouthwash. You can add two cups of the mouthwash at least twice a week. It will create a clean environment.

Use lukewarm water to fill the reservoir. However, avoid very cold or very hot water. Also, don’t use salt to sterilize the reservoir as it might block the pipes.

Attach the Chosen Tip:

Water flossers have handlers. Once you have chosen the tip, take your tip and attach it to the handle. Make sure that you lock it properly. You can do this by twisting it, pressing a button, or following the manual.

Position the Tip In Your Mouth:

Always start from the back teeth. Hold the tip slightly far back to leave a small space between the teeth and the tip. Then lean towards the sink.

Turn on the Water Flosser:

Now press on the button and turn on the flosser. Use the dial to adjust the pressure. Then follow your gum line.

Pour Out the Remaining Water:

Once the cleaning is done, pour out any remaining water. Do not leave any stale water in the reservoir — it inhabits bacteria.

NOTE: First you have to purchase the right Waterpik water flosser. You can always get the most appropriate Waterpik flosser at the local store. However, this will always cost you much more. That’s why we recommend buying it online instead. If you buy online, you will save time, money, energy, and get a variety of models to shop through.


Using a Waterpik water flosser is no brainer at all. With the right tips and a simple guideline like the one that I have given you, your work becomes easy. Just make sure that you buy the right model and that you choose the best tip. Finally, read the user manual and understand before using the flosser.



Md. Mintaraj Mandal

Hi, I am Md. Mintaraj Mandal, An entrepreneur of digital affiliate market.