Pascal Hamonic
1 min readOct 7, 2015


Very good post!

What about using NuBits as a remittance vehicle? NuBits has kept its peg (1USD = 1NBT) perfectly for more than one year now. You would basically nullify the volatility risk and bypass the SWIFT system while enjoying the benefit of FIAT’s stability.

The only issue is the liquidity. It is still small compared to Bitcoin but its growing and the trade volume is often in the top 10. The number of exchanges dealing with NuBits is growing and the shareholders of Nu, the first decentralized central bank in the history of Humankind, that makes the monetary policies to keep the peg of NuBits, the most successful stable crypto-currency in history, are thinking about creating other pegs (such as Yuan or Euro). Take a look at if you would like to get more info.


