Shed Pounds and Raise Self-confidence with Hypnosis Audio Downloads

3 min readOct 11, 2019

It is no secret that being overweight or obese leads to serious health problems that include diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, joint problems, stroke and even death. Even so, dropping unwanted pounds and maintaining a healthy weight seems to elude us.

An estimated 40 percent of Americans are overweight, and 30 percent are obese. Among those who do manage to diet successfully, only 20 percent manage to stave off the pounds on a long-term basis.

Fortunately, hypnosis mp3 audio downloads can provide another tool in your arsenal as you fight the battle of the bulge.

Hypnosis Combats Entrenched Destructive Beliefs

If eating was simply a routine habit like brushing our teeth that we had to perform for health reasons, weight loss might not be so difficult. The problem is that many of our core beliefs about food and eating can sabotage our desire to make healthy choices. These include:

• Eating for comfort or to medicate against negative emotions;

• Using high-calorie or processed foods as rewards or during times of celebration;

  • Using eating as a form of rebellion.

These powerful beliefs can be very deeply rooted and therefore difficult to remove. When diet and exercise alone do not work because they cannot compete against these strong core attitudes, this is the time when hypnosis audio from UpNow can be one of your most important allies.

Can Hypnosis Help You Change Undesirable Behaviors?

Is it possible that a person can obtain an online hypnosis audio download, incorporate it into their life and actually see results? Scientists have asked this very question regarding the efficacy of hypnosis to modify behaviors. In one study of 286 smokers who either received standard counseling or hypnosis, researchers found that 26 percent of the hypnotized group had quit smoking as opposed to only 18 percent of the people who received cessation counseling.

In another study, 60 obese people with sleep apnea were divided into three groups: one received dietary advice; one got hypnotherapy for calorie reduction; the third were taught hypnotherapy for stress reduction. After three months, all groups had lost a comparable amount of weight. However, after 18 months, the cohort that had received hypnotherapy for stress reduction were the only ones who kept the weight off.

In a separate study, 109 people were treated using behavioral techniques for their weight loss, either with or without hypnosis. Those who were hypnotized were able to maintain their weight loss while the other subjects were not.

Although sample sizes are small and more research needs to be done, indications point toward the positive impact that hypnosis downloads can have on your successful weight loss strategy.

Hypnosis audio from Upnow is painstakingly crafted by skilled hypnotherapy practitioners. Using the guided meditation and gentle suggestion techniques found on our hypnosis mp3 audio presentations, you can gradually transform the entrenched, destructive behaviors that have made your relationship with food and eating into an unhealthy one. Each online hypnosis audio download is affordable and easy to use and fits seamlessly into even the busiest schedule.

Stop feeling hopeless about your weight and powerless to change it.’s hypnosis audio downloads, especially when combined with a healthy diet and exercise regimen, can help you to say goodbye to those unwanted bulges forever. Why not try one today?




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